Matthew Stover is a classy dude

When asked for his take on the Expanded Universe’s use of the themes he introduced in Traitor, this is what he had to say.

…due to my privileged position as a Star Wars novelist, my opinion would be given more weight by the fans than it actually deserves — it would tend to tip the perceptions of, at least, my particular fans, and even others would be tempted to end arguments with “Well, Matt Stover says . . .” I’ve decided I just have to keep it to myself.

Yes, some fans will angst at not having that clarification/ammunition, but hats off to you, Mr. Stover.

Cunningham gives Blood Oath time period, hints

We may not have an official announcement, but thanks to a post on Elaine Cunningham’s blog we do now have a few more ideas of what to expect from Blood Oath! First off all, it’s post-LOTF, set in the “early days” of the Fate of the Jedi. However:

Blood Oath is a self-contained story, rather than an episode within a larger tale. While both have their place, I’m very pleased to have the opportunity to tell a largely self-contained story.

I wonder if this only the first of several paperback tie-ins to the main series? Shades of the original plan for the NJO, perhaps? Intriguing!

Star Wars corrupting the youth of America?

Graeme McMillan at io9 ponders how subversive the Star Wars saga was to American children with its heroes lying and villains telling the truth, the coolest place to hang being a bar, and the revelation that really, violence, will solve all your problems. Meanwhile, Charlie Jane Anders wants Hollywood to stop hitting Control-Alt-Delete on genre franchise films (Lookin’ at you, Star Trek and the DC Universe!)

Do we need a Star Wars break?

As a followup to Star Wars Must Die, SF Signal gathered a number of science fiction pros and fans to ask if it really is time for Star Wars to go on hiatus?

This is a question that’s weighed on my mind on and off through the year, as I obligatorily blogged the two big Star Wars events that utterly fail to grab my personal interest. The Clone Wars? Meh both before and after. The Force Unleashed? Not even remotely tempted. It even came up in regards to the Expanded Universe during our Legacy of the Force discussion at JadeCon. Does the franchise need a break? Do we? Continue readingDo we need a Star Wars break?”

The fandom minute: Han in Cakeamite; Is it time for Star Wars to take a breather?

Preaching to the choir, maybe

Mighty God King asks the question that has been floating in the head of many Expanded Universe fans. (Or is it just me?)

If we’re going to get an animated Star Wars film, why on earth are we getting the Clone Wars, which has already had live-action movies and an animated series and potentially a live-action series in the future about it – instead of, and this is just off the top of my head, an adaptation of the Heir to the Empire trilogy by Timothy Zahn, AKA “the only good Star Wars novels ever?”

We know the answer: Because George Lucas loves his shiny new Clone Wars, and it’s not like folks aren’t going to watch it. But really, why can’t we take the post-ROTJ books and feed them into the animation mill? By end of LOTF, we’re going on 40 years worth of raw material. True, they aren’t all the Thrawn trilogy, but even the worst could hold a glimmer of possibility in the hands of a competent scriptwriter. And it’s not like other endless franchises haven’t been doing it for decades.

I’ve nothing against The Clone Wars in theory – but didn’t we just leave that party? Maybe I’m just a sad old-school fan who simply isn’t all that interested in further exploration of the prequel era (okay, drop the ‘maybe’) but… Seriously. Forty years of imperfect but infinitely useful raw material with established movie characters that people actually mostly like and have fond memories of. And starting off with the Thrawn trilogy will bring in a lot of people who just weren’t feeling the prequels and other casual fans who might not make the time for The Clone Wars. (Plus, it would probably boost book sales. Books that are already written, edited, and sitting around in stores.)

I’ll keep holding out hope it happens eventually. You?