The fandom minute: Ima Trooping; Scalzi ponders Star Wars 3-D; BOW cake; Yoda’s travels

  • Photo fun Adventures in Stormtrooping with a little help from The Simpsons, Cobra Commander, Hellboy and a very naughty Wall-E.
  • The blogside: John Scalzi theorizes that George wants to release Star Wars in 3-D to beat Gone With the Wind in the all-timers. Seems a bit of a reach to me: If that was the case, why all this waiting? Has George seen Coraline?
  • Cake: Bearded Obi-Wan is full of… Strawberry jam? I’m sure there’s a Spaceballs joke in there somewhere.
  • Travels: Yoda sees the world.

The fandom minute: A greatest hits, Danny Choo, children & ewoks, Yoda Japanese

The fandom minute: Thracken misses io9’s bus, My Little Ponies, Flickr, Designer editions

Han Solo and his identical cousin, Thracken Sal-Solo  (You can lose your mind!) You missed one. io9 lists the most ridiculous evil twins in the multiverse, tragically ignoring Star Wars’ Thrackan Sal-Solo. Okay, sure, so maybe a mention for a C-list Expanded Universe character is too much to expect, but he’s the identical cousin of Han Solo! But evil! With a mustache! He led an organization called the Human League! What’s not to mock?

Book review roundup: Karen Miller’s Wild Space makes the Livejournalers squee

The Clone Wars: Wild SpaceAbout a month ago, Karen Miller’s first Star Wars novel was released. It’s been getting a surprising amount of of lip service in fandom lately, and I wasn’t sure why until I read a couple of reviews on LiveJournal – not exactly the hot spot for EU meta these days.

But no, right there in Jedi News, four reviews in little over a week, and two of them (Calmer-Sky and Senatorsfan-Ink) are so enthusiastic you’ll need a squeegee afterwards. Meanwhile, LazyPadawan enjoyed it but has a much different perspective on the book’s (dare I say?) fan service, while JawaStew takes a balanced tone.

Another surprise came off-LJ – a review of the book at io9 by Charlie Jane Anders, their first for Star Wars fiction. With the catchy title of ‘At Last, A Book That Explains Why Obi-Wan Is Such A Dick,‘ it’s easy to see why this post has a whopping 14,407 views as I type this.

And lest you doubt, the numbers at the highly-critical Jedi Council review thread look pretty good as well: An average of 8.08 out of 10.

With my chronic case of Clone Wars apathy, I’m still not too tempted to pick this up myself, but maybe… At the library. If I see it. Those who have read it, what do you think?