From the Blogside

David Louis Edelman on The Day The Empire Strikes Back Changed Everything.

The Infinite Force has some thoughts on the release of the unaltered original trilogy. So does Jkthunder. And Dan Wallace.

Darth Rex0 considers the Dark Side

Lord_Noctifer ponders The Tragical History and Romantic Redemption of Anakin Skywalker.

Averii compiles a list of Moments when I love the EU: Old Republic and Prequel edition. In a similiar vein, how about a collection of the slash-leaning bits from Matthew Stover’s Revenge of the Sith novelization?

Meanwhile, on the VIP end of things…

Don Bies on how R2-D2: Beneath the Dome came to be.

Pete Vilmur lets us know that if you’re in prison, you can’t get a Fan Club kit. That kind of sucks. But considering I finally got my Insider today, there’s always a chance that by the time the kit comes around, the next guy will have served his sentence.

From the Blogside

Dan Wallace considers species sterotyping in the GFFA with Gamorreans Drive Like This, but Gotals Drive Like This.

Pablo Hidalgo on the many faces behind Vader’s mask.

Rynne has some thoughts on alternate universe stories paralleling canon.

Lazypadawan on evil Star Wars characters and where Vader fits in.

Since it’s a slow week for the usual meta, let’s check out some of the various Livejournal communities:

This is actually from last year, but interesting nonetheless: At Popculture_sw, Kireina_michiru compiles a list of Star Wars references from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

And ot100, a fic community for original trilogy drabbles, has been relaunched.

From the Blogside

Dan Wallace asks how spacey should Star Wars get? Or, hot chocolate: exotic?

Padawanroo discusses the percieved inconsistency of costuming in the prequels verses the original trilogy.

Pabawan gets us in the holiday mood with a threepart (so far) series on bringing a gaint bunny into Star Wars continuty.

Sunnyskywalker finds unexpected parallels in Anakin and Han.

Imadra_blue has a very length series on Obi-Wan and Anakin. First, the plausibility of Anakin/Obi-Wan, then her perception of Anakin and Obi-Wan in canon and wrapping up with a lengthy look at Anakin’s many issues.

And this may be a especially ironic read for some CJers, but I wrote up a bit defining bashing and why it’s bad. Yes, even when KJA is involved. I guess everyone has to grow up sometime.

From the Blogside

Fan Club races are for amateurs, so The Dark Moose declares himself Emperor. As the Emperor’s Hoof, it is my duty to beat you all until you accept his Divine Grace. Or, you know, not.

Sarnjasra looks at A New Hope with You’re All Clear, Kid.

Rynne has some thoughts on angst.

Diviner525 considers the paradox of loyalty in Revenge of the Sith.

Master Ki-Aaron-Mundi takes a hard look at the ‘Chosen One’ prophecy.

Kenobi-fan is annoyed by clones (and cilantro) and wonders why.

From the Blogside

Reads of the week: Oninobara on her conception of Padme Amidala in the light of V for Vendetta’s Evie and a Fanthropology discussion of whether Mary Sue has evolved into fandom’s boogiewoman.

Modillian considers the role of Anakin’s visions in the prequel trilogy.

The Infinite Force documents coming to terms with Darth Vader.

Selphish posts her impression of Heirs to the Force, aka the first in the Young Jedi Knight series. It’s, ahh, not favorable.

In Time, You Will Learn is the third part of Sarnjasra’s Revisionist History series.

Charlie_and_aj ponder how different fandoms deal with and percieve canon.

Lazypadawan wrote about how Palpatine lured Anakin to join the Sith.

Find a post that you thinks deserves a place in the next edition of From the Blogside? Email Dunc at with the URL.

From the Blogside

The biggest discovery this week is Sarn Jasra and his excellent Revisionist History essays. Only two of a planned six are up so far, focusing on The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones – but these explorations of his reaction and opinion regarding the films is a good read and top-notch stuff.

Citizenjess gets her rant on about Star Wars canon. Yes folks, sometimes you just have to suck it up and realize that Star Wars is not perfect.

The folks at the X-Entertainment blog play with Star Wars Transformers.

Sabrina Fried explores shifting storylines in Star Wars.

Lee Kottner blogerates in defense of fanfic.

Hesychasm on what fandom is; Shoiryu’s take, for cynics.

Imadra-blue gives into the Obidala side of the Force.

RJ-1 Kenobi is puzzled by fans who want to rewrite the prequels.

Averii has some thoughts on Jedi in the Expanded Universe.

From the Blogside

There’s a Star Wars Friending Frenzy going on at Livejournal. Go, meet, friend!

Master Ki-Aaron-Mundi takes a look at the A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back novelizations with modern SW continuty in mind.

The Dark Moose dispenses wisdom on fandom and the sterotypes within it.

It’s a Padmé-go-round: Imadra-blue posts some thoughts on Padmé in ROTS; Lazypadawan has her own take on the character, as does Kenobi-fan. Phew.

Fernwithy ponders George’s comments on the end of the blockbuster.

Rynne has some thoughts on the Expanded Universe.

The Infinite Force considers Wikis. I’m not sure I agree, but then I’m secretly an idealist. (Don’t tell!)

From the Blogside

Ratcreature considers the ‘Chosen One’ prophecy.

Over on Blogwarz, Sabrina Fried on reaction to her Revenge of the Sith Oscar column, while T’bone considers Order 66.

I’m not alone! Master Ki-Aaron-Mundi misses Star Wars Tales. In the comments, Pabawan (Pablo) makes an interesting point: the audience for the comics is small and not very receptive to experimentation. Pity.

Pirate_lass and the folks at Hug_clones discuss Triple Zero. Spoilerifically.

Gabri-Jade rants on the Jedi Council fanfic awards. Personally I’ve always found them worse than useless, since I’m rarely reading more than one or two fics there at a time. Plus with my fic apathy issues (2 weeks to read Outbound Flight! Two weeks!) reading even five nominees is not going to happen.

Ryan Kaufman and his son Max have major continuty issues.

Find a post that you thinks deserves a place in the next edition of From the Blogside? Email Dunc at

From the Blogside

Imadra_blue ponders fan fiction and fandom thinking and the two great loves of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s life. She also considers Anakin/Obi-Wan, canon, and believability, an issue Shoiryu has some thoughts on as well.

Pablo mocks the masses with 1977 Blog Titles. If you actually read, this is hilarious. On a more serious note, annotations to week 3 of the Rookies webstrip. Paul joins in on the webstrip action with a update on Evasive Action #3.

Another interesting VIP blog: Dan Wallace on the never-published Clone Wars Sourcebook.

Rabidfangurl rants on fanfic and fandom. To which I say, hell yeah. Fangirl beatdown posse meets on Tuesday.

The Dark Moose considers Star Wars… with lawyers. Been there, done that.

Rive Caedo on returning to the roots of Star Wars. On a similar note, 101 Reasons Firefly is better than Star Wars! Funny because it’s true. Or not. Your choice.

Lazypadawan has a ‘fair and balanced’ review of Outbound Flight. It looks like she subscribes to the theory that every second Zahn character is a Mary Sue, but I found most of her points pretty on target. (I myself have harbored Suerific thoughts re: Thrawn and VOTF Mara, so to each their own.) EU fans may also be interested in Suzanne’s overview of the Dark Nest trilogy.