From the Blogside

Reads of the week: Oninobara on her conception of Padme Amidala in the light of V for Vendetta’s Evie and a Fanthropology discussion of whether Mary Sue has evolved into fandom’s boogiewoman.

Modillian considers the role of Anakin’s visions in the prequel trilogy.

The Infinite Force documents coming to terms with Darth Vader.

Selphish posts her impression of Heirs to the Force, aka the first in the Young Jedi Knight series. It’s, ahh, not favorable.

In Time, You Will Learn is the third part of Sarnjasra’s Revisionist History series.

Charlie_and_aj ponder how different fandoms deal with and percieve canon.

Lazypadawan wrote about how Palpatine lured Anakin to join the Sith.

Find a post that you thinks deserves a place in the next edition of From the Blogside? Email Dunc at with the URL.