That’s the blogosphere for you

A student taking a course in cyberspace law learns how Lucasfilm bought out one domain…

The Wookiee costume is a bit much – is a lame domain like worth a Wookiee costume? I don’t think so.

Also, the domain in question seems to be not owned by Lucasfilm at the moment. (Going to the actual site will get you ads and popups. Nothing NSFW, just annoying.) And this list of websites from Echo Station (not updated since August 1999, as good a time capsule as I could find) lists that the site had no DNS (translation: not pointing anywhere) at the time. The Wayback Machine is more of the same.

The law firm does exist. But the story as a whole I’m giving a hearty ‘maybe.’

From the Blogside

Apparently some other space franchise is 40 years old this week. Pablo has some thoughts on Star Trek, the mother of modern fandom.

JawaJoey considers the upcoming DVD release and reaction. I’m gearing up for the flood of disappointed/overblown/smug blog and forum posts myself…

Nar Cranor has advice for folks wanting to start a fansite. He has some good points, but it seems to me there’s a lot more to it than just finding something new… You have to do it well. Or at least, better than anyone else doing the same thing. And don’t start a forum (or a group blog…) unless you’re pretty sure you can bring in enough folks to populate it properly.

Reviews: RJ Peters on Bloodlines, and Suzanne takes on both Betrayal and Bloodlines.

From the Blogside

This week’s highlight: Pablo Hidalgo’s On the Internet, Everything is a Big Deal. You’re on the internet, right? Read it.

Abel G. Peña looks back at “The Emperor’s Pawns,” a piece he did several years ago that defined and (in some cases) retconned the position of the Emperor’s Hands as we know it today.

Matril on why she loves Star Wars.

Anakinside1 looks inside the belly of the beast.

Oboe-Wan finds a telling moment in Empire Strikes Back.

Mike Beidler continues his NJO retrospective with a look at Mike Stackpole’s Dark Tide dulogy, Onslaught and Ruin.

From the Blogside

The Infinite Force explores the idea of being a Jedi or a Sith in real life. Just stay away from the census polls, okay?

Pablo talks about the origin of the Rookies webstrips.

Ravenclaw Devi considers Mary Sues and related issues.

Jedimaster13109 provides us with a nice overview of the Force.

In EU corner, Mike Beidler has some thoughts on Vector Prime. Meanwhile, Padawan Katis is reading The Phantom Menace novelization and Sunnyskywalker continues her spot-on Courtship of Princess Leia analysis with Chapter 5.

From the Blogside

Chaodai shatters the myth that saying something is ‘for kids’ means you don’t have to try. Not surprisingly, The Phantom Menace comes up…

Speaking of TPM, Ryan Kaufman asks what’s up with The “Phantom” Menace?

Anakinside1 explores Anakin’s feminine side.

Master Ki-Aaron-Mundi has a theory on how Ferus Olin kicks the bucket.

Marvolo7 shares her list of the EU’s most memorable moments.

Eleventh Guard asks why is there so little NJO slash?