Space Station crew costumes where no one has gone before?

The mission poster for the latest NASA International Space Station mission decided to boldly go for a Star Trek look. In a case of life-imitating-art-imitating-life, while the ISS crew wear Next Generation uniforms, the background logo is of the NX-01 Enterprise, which featured the ISS in the opening sequence. So does this create a temporal paradox?

NASA had done some other movie parody posters before for its shuttle and ISS expedition teams. No word on when the ISS’ superlaser will be fully charged and operational.

Star Trek’s Artoo location has been revealed….

Where in Trek is Artoo Sandiego?

And it’s kind of disappointing. Highlight for spoiler:

During the Drill Machine sequence as the Enterprise comes out of its barrel role amidst destruction of the other Federation ships above Vulcan, we cut to an interior Enterprise bridge over the shoulder of Kirk that is looking out through the front viewscreen. In space, R2-D2 is floating in the debris from about the top middle of the screen to the bottom right.

An carbon sickness-calibur screenshot can be found at Oh No They Didn’t.

The catchup: Links from Twitter

Here are some of the things I’ve micro-blogged over @clubjade in the last week or so.

Sci-fi raver chic, or… Eventually, some fan costumer is going to get their hands on this fiber-optic fabric, and we’re going to be seeing walking holograms at cons.

My god!Star Trek’s entire history in all media over the last four decades has been nothing but revisions and reboots. ” And so it is. Fascinating stuff… And very familiar.

Speaking of a cycle of never-ending reboots… The companion for the new Doctor Who was announced last week. Quote of the hour: “…I feel like I’m going to be watching Doctor Nine Oh Who One Oh.”

For my peeps. Jezebel takes the TV teen queens of the early 90’s head to head. Blossom or Clarissa?

Geek decor. Twenty brilliant bookcases.

Star Trek vs. Star Wars yet again

The Force-Cast takes on the latest hot topic with a roundtable comparing sci-fi’s two biggest fish. Joining the usual gang is Rebelscum’s Jovial Jay and former Trek and Wars fan club president Dan Madsen.

On that note, does anyone have any idea why the SciFi Channel isn’t rerunning the hell out of the original series? I was feeling the urge to DVR some TOS last night, and spent about five minutes scrolling through a week’s worth of schedule… And the only Trek I could find was Enterprise. (Poking around online shows some TNG on Friday, but nothing but that and Enterprise through most of June.)

This is why you fail, SciFi. (It’s still SciFi until July 7, by George!) I’ll get my fix – I’m pretty sure the local NBC affiliate runs it at odd hours of the night – but I’m just boggled by SciFi’s lack of action here.

Trek’s Orci talks reboots with

Bonnie talks to Star Trek co-screenwriter Roberto Orci about the movie, the influence of Star Wars, and Fringe. Here’s what he has to say about rebooting Star Wars

I’d love to go back to the time in between the movies A New Hope through Return of the Jedi, and see other planets and the people who live on them, and how they see the war like we’re following the war in Iraq. It would be interesting to see other people respond to finding out there’s a base on Bespin.

Ehh. Isn’t one (well, two) Clone Wars enough? Even if one does take the concept to the OT, it just sounds like filler to me.

The fandom minute: Han and Chewie, Han and Kirk, Fanboys, George exhibit, Vader and Azaria

The buddy system. Han Solo and Chewbacca are on Fandomania’s list of the Top 10 SF/F Friendships. What, were you expecting Anakin and Obi-Wan?

Don’t tell Bill! Guess who Chris Pine looked to for his Kirk? Somebody’s aiming for a noogie from the Shat.

Party like it’s 1999. has photos from the Fanboys DVD release party in L.A.

Go forth and look at stuff. Space Center Houston will debut The Cinema of George Lucas this weekend, featuring “movie artifacts” from Star Wars, Indiana Jones and more. (via)

Seriously, why? It’s not really so much the how as as the why is Darth Vader appears in Night at the Museum 2

And finally… It’s a singing robot Vader extruder thing. Okay! (via)