Brand new comic coming on Wednesday! Knight Errant: Aflame #5 will be awaiting comic buyers in the shops tomorrow.
Question: Is that Jareth the Goblin King on the cover? No, wait: Don’t tell me. I think I prefer the crazy crackfic my imagination is now spouting due to this development. (Bonus Bowie-related content.)
Not much on the menu for this week, but comic fans will find the first trade collection of The Old Republic: Blood of the Empire waiting for them on Wednesday.
No books, no comics, but you might now be able to find Star Wars Insider #123 in stores.
Also, I’ve been hearing that some folks are having difficulties finding the Knight Errant novel at Borders – which may be part of their vendor payment issues – but I haven’t been to a Borders since mid-January. Have you had any luck?
And because it never rains when it can pour, there are two comics out Wednesday: Darth Vader and the Lost Command #1 (which I keep reading as The Last Command, which is so not right) and Legacy: War #2. Someone has set Nyna Calixte’s makeup gun to ‘whore’ and man is she pissed!
Meanwhile, if you’re wondering what to do with that spare $3000 you have laying around and want your coffee table and your coffee table books to be an all-in-one package, Frames is available for pre-order on Star Wars Shop. And to think people bitch about buying hardcovers…
It’s another week of slim picking for releases – unless you happen to be on the prowl for Marvel reprints. Arriving in comic shops on Wednesday is the third A Long Time Ago… omnibus, collecting issues #50–#67 of Marvel’s Star Wars series from the 80’s.
After eight preview chapters and a moderate amount of hype, Joe Schreiber’s Red Harvest will be in stores today. If you liked Death Troopers or have a yen for zombie Sith, you’ll no doubt be pleased. (Here are a few facts about the book.)
…And that’s it as far as releases. Goodnight, 2010!
There’s still a few more releases to squeeze in before the year ends… Invasion: Rescues #6 ships on Wednesday. Star Wars Insider #122 (with Savage Opress spoilers) should also be in stores sometime this week, if you haven’t spotted it already.
Look for Knight Errant: Aflame #3 and the tenth Legacy trade collection, Extremes, in comic shops on Wednesday. The second Clone Wars Magazine might also make an appearance.