The Last Jedi is EW’s latest cover story

Entertainment Weekly is back with their latests news dump for The Last Jedi. The cover reveal story sheds some light on Laura Dern’s Amilyn Holdo and her role in the Resistance; The obligatory gallery features several new quotes and photos.

Mark Hamill and Rian Johnson discuss Luke’s return to the Millenium Falcon.

On Kylo Ren and Rey, and where that dynamic is going. (Plus some interesting stuff on why Ben might have turned.)

Coming up tomorrow: Laura Dern, Kelly Marie Tran, and crystal foxes.

Today in The Last Jedi: Everyone gets a stormtrooper cameo!

Are there any stormtroopers in The Last Jedi that won’t be played by famous (yet unseen) faces? John Boyega apparently confirmed the persistent rumors that Prince William, Prince Harry, and Tom Hardy donned the white stuff for cameos in the same scene. Daniel Craig, what have you wrought?

Another new commercial has a few new snippets of Finn footage, plus some new dialogue from him. (And a bit of new blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Rey as well.) There’s also a new international trailer in Spanish, but it doesn’t feature any new footage.

There’s a whole slew of new stuff in the latest SciFiNow , and Tumblr MVP up. Sleemo has been tying them up. The main story, plus interviews with Mark Hamill, John Boyega and Daisy Ridley. Plus, from SFX, Kelly Marie Tran and producer Ram Bergman

Continue reading “Today in The Last Jedi: Everyone gets a stormtrooper cameo!”

The Last Jedi: New Luke pic, behind the scenes video

USA Today has a great behind-the-scenes video of The Last Jedi, and they also talk to Rian Johnson about Luke – complete with a new still, above. Here’s what Johnson had to say about it:

Luke Skywalker has been in exile for years when Rey finds him on the island of Ahch-To, but the Jedi’s ancient tomes don’t look like easy reading. “It would be funny if you zoom in on that bookshelf and it’s all Robert Ludlum thrillers,” says Johnson, whose first duty was figuring out why Luke was there. “So when you see it in totality you’re like, ‘Oh, OK, this is why the galaxy’s greatest optimist and hero would be doing this.’ ” Johnson promises that Luke’s still strong and the years of isolation haven’t dulled his mind at all. “(Hamill’s) always been handsome and he’s just in this place now where he’s got so much gravity: You point a camera at his face and you feel depth and wisdom. He’s seen some stuff.”

But the video is the real star here, complete with a very quotable Carrie Fisher line about the director. Watch it at USA Today or below the cut.

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Snoke strikes a pose, and other The Last Jedi shenanigans

There’s a Snoke action figure, and hilarity has ensued. I’m sorry, but not really. (Thanks, Heath!)

→ has added/updated some databank entries for The Last Jedi. They’re pretty vague!

A nice lengthy Mark Hamill interview is short on The Last Jedi details, but still pretty fun. At much less length, Domhnall Gleeson.

→ Behind the scenes footage of The Last Jedi will be among the Disney movies featured in one of those before-the-showing reels.

The Last Jedi in print: Empire, Phasma interview, Visual Dictionary cover

Empire Magazine’s big The Last Jedi issue is nigh, and the subscriber and newstand covers have been revealed. The issue is out there, and if you feel like squinting, you can read the article scans right this second.

→ Read Phasma yet? You’ll want to check out James’ interview with author Delilah S. Dawson. If not, there’s a new excerpt.

→ The cover for Pablo Hidalgo’s The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary has been spotted on Random House. It doesn’t say “not final cover!”