The Clone Wars guest voice theories abound

So last night on the ForceCast, they were theorizing that Jon Favreau was voicing one of the mystery Mandalorians we saw in The Clone Wars S2 preview. Today, Yakface (via) are theorizing that it could be Mark Hamill. Interesting theories, but that last one sounds an awful lot like Favreau. On the other hand, there do seem to be two very different Mando voices going on in that trailer…

In less theory-based news, The Clone Wars is in TV Guide’s Sci-Fi Preview. Please join me in boggling that TV Guide is still around.

UPDATE: Whoever it may may be, it is not Mark Hamill.

Is it San Diego Comic Con yet?!?

SDCC 'Fate of the Jedi' poster

No. No it is not. But it will be soon, and thus details about the con are coming thick on the ground. We got the general Star Wars event schedule earlier in the week, but now gives us Del Rey’s, including some signings and giveaways like a double-sided Fate of the Jedi/Deathtroopers poster, above. (Far more tempting is the possibility of getting free copies of The Essential Atlas, The Complete Vader and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia)

  • I’m not going to get a chance to watch/review all the Fan Movie Challenge Finalists before the Friday deadline, so consider this your reminder to head over there and vote for Audience Choice.
  • The Fan Club Breakfast ticket deadline has come and gone, but if you nabbed one, they have a plethora of raffle prizes, including one of those wacky Force Trainers.
  • The Official Pix guest list includes Mark Hamill, Edward James Olmos, several Clone Wars voice actors and some dudes from Chuck.
  • Also… Kotobukiya will be giving away stuff; The Slave Leias will be out in force.

Eye Candy: Searching LIFE for Star Wars

LIFE: Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness and Mark Hamill @ ANH 10th anniversary party

A couple months ago, the LIFE photo archive went up in Google, fully searchable. Plenty has been done with them since then, but it didn’t occur to me to look for Star Wars until today. There isn’t a ton there – the bulk of images that come up are from The Phantom Menace premiere – but there are a few things of interest, like Time covers, some vintage toy pics and this shot of Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness and Mark Hamill at a party celebrating the tenth anniversary of A New Hope. You get about the same amount of shots searching for just George Lucas, and even more for Harrison Ford, but clearly Sir Alec wins. (Wait! Was it really a party for ANH? Now I doubt.) But perhaps most amusingly: Jar-Jar and Madeline Albright? Or Peter Cushing in Hamlet?

Off the fannish track, two of the more interesting uses I’ve seen around the web have been Jezebel’s The Way We Were features and Typophile’s book cover meme.

In the news: Live-action something, maybe; George; Amira Sa’id; Happy Meals; Mark Hamill

Rumorville: Perth Now is reporting that the music for a Star Wars TV series filmed in Sydney that “could have 400 half-hour episodes” (umm…) will be recorded in Perth by Malcolm Luker. Okay then! Of course, George Lucas (or a good impersonator) was spotted down under last week. I guess we’ll get the full story (or not) in November.