Mad predicted prequel tidbits… in 1982?!?

Flickr user DrHaggis has unearthed a Mad article from 1982 that makes predictions for the saga. There are several coincidences with the actual prequels – Episode II as Send in the Clones, a Skywalker being fathered by the force, Yoda defending Kashyyyk, Darth Vader as the father of Threepio, and Artoo knowing the full story of how the Jedi were disbanded (and “holding the entire history of the Galaxy in his memory banks,” which I believe is pretty damn close to the Georgefax.)

And yet, not a single attempt at Return of the Jedi

EUbits: February comics, Mad Wars, Sean Williams

Star Wars: Adventures Volume 1: Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of KhoryaDark Horse’s February/April solicitations, includes our first look at Star Wars: Adventures Volume 1: Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of Khorya (the April part of the equation,) as well as Legacy #33, Knights of the Old Republic #38, The Clone Wars #4 and an Emissaries and Assassins omnibus.

  • Bonnie interviews Jonathan Bresman, Senior Editor of MAD Kids, about their upcoming Clone Wars cover. Alas, doesn’t address my burning question of how a kid’s version of Mad magazine is not epically redundant.
  • Radio: Sean Williams will be on ABC Radio National’s The Book Show next Tuesday. That’s Australian ABC, but a podcast version will be posted for the rest of the world.

Friday morning reading list

Slashfilm came across a fan-made poster that spans the entire saga. I’m usually not a huge fan of the collage aesthetic, but I gotta admit this one is pretty nifty.