Our Other Master (Whedon) Speaks!

Empire Magazine is so much like us. They appreciate the great entertainment we do; most recently, Serenity.

They recently scored an exclusive interview with our other master: Joss Whedon; creator of Buffy (and Spike), Angel and Firefly.

In short:
1. Serenity didn’t set the box office ablaze. He’ll never rule it out, but it doesn’t look likely we’ll see another film in the series.
2. Wonder Woman is still in progress. He’s unsure whether his new horror film “Goners” will come out, first.
3. The rumored Spike film is still a possibility; if he can get some financing together. (Anyone up for a giant bake sale?)

Read all the detailed goodness here.

Browncoats to close

Browncoats will close on January 6, 2006.

An email to members reads:


We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty!

Serenity was the #1 DVD upon its release! This was a huge success that would not have happened without the support and dedication of The Browncoats. On behalf or Universal, I would like to thank you all for everything you have done to promote Serenity.

It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that on January 6, 2006, The Browncoats will shut down. We have had some wonderful times over these 19 months: met people from around the world, had interesting discussions about Serenity and every topic under the sun on the message boards, had lots of laughs (

Joss Whedon: Like Luke Skywalker, in a way

This interview with Joss on Star Trek and Star Wars and their effect on Firefly and Serenity is all sorts of cute:

Whedon: There’s always the young punk rebelling against his father.I’m rebelling against Han Solo, but if you are going to tell me that Han Solo isn´t the father of Malcolm Reynolds, then I am going to laugh and laugh and laugh.

He then goes on to say:

At the same time, I owe both of those franchises a huge debt. They are both in my personal, how can they not be? It’s that classic thing : I’m rebelling against my father and doing everything he doesn’t do, but I think I look like him.

Read the full quote on TrekWeb via Whedonesque. The entire article is in the latest issue of Cinefantastique.