Sheev speaks and “Duel of the Fates” shows up in the new “Duel” commercial, which is full of new brand new footage.
Rise of Skywalker final run time revealed?
J.J. Abrams was busy today. After his visit to GMA, he appeared on SiriusXM’s EWLive, where he revealed that The Rise of Skywalker will clock in at “two hours and 21 minutes,” or 144 minutes, shorter than earlier reports. (Though that still may not account for the credits.) There’s a clip on the article, but the full interview will air on Thursday.
Continue reading “Rise of Skywalker final run time revealed?”Rise of Skywalker: Babu Frick, BRANDS, and two questions from Chris Terrio has formally introduced Babu Frik , the alien we saw briefly during the Force Friday preview livestream. The “tiny Anzellan droidsmith” works “among the Spice Runners of Kijimi and can reprogram or modify virtually any droid — regardless of the security measures protecting its systems.”
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