George on (more) Indy sequels and The Clone Wars

Fox News caught up with George at Cannes and he says there’s a strong possibility for sequels. With, as many have been contemplating, Shia LeBeouf in the lead. Oh, George, you crazy diamond.

Next up, The Clone Wars and why it’s not being released by Fox:

“No one wanted it,” he told me. “Every studio rejected it, including Fox, and I’m very loyal to them. They have right of first refusal. Eventually I brought it to Warners. It’s the first time that three components of the studio have acted together. It’s very exciting.

Every studio? Huh.

In the news: Wedding, drunks, box office, TFU


Crystal Skulls in the news…

With Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull coming out in less than ten days, crystal skulls are popping up across the newscape:

Karen Allen on Return of the Ravenwood; Reviews of Indy IV…

IMAGE: Karen AllenKaren Allen talks up her role as cult icon to iF Magazine and and about her role as Marion Ravenwood in Raiders of the Lost Ark & Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: “How can you go wrong when you meet a woman in a bar in Nepal and she’s drinking men under the table, yelling at large men in Nepalese and ordering them out of the bar, and when she first sets eyes on Indiana Jones, she socks him in the jaw?”

Reviews of IJ&KotCS have started to appear online:

  • USA Today sums up the online reviews
  • AHN talks about some of these ‘leaks’
  • Review #1 on (may contain spoilers)
  • Review #2 on (may contain spoilers)
  • Review #3 on (may contain spoilers)

The LA Times looks at the re-release of the first three Indiana Jones DVDs, as a retrospect on Spielberg’s filmmaking.

Second Indy trailer on Iron Man, Indy’s role examined, and more

Like no one saw this coming: the second trailer for Indiana Jones and the Crystal King of Skulldom will be coming out on Paramount’s Iron Man on May 1 (which is being pushed forward 4 hours – from a midnight show to 8 pm showings). And the most important news about the Indy IV trailer: It’s 1 minute and 49 seconds. Apparently, they plan to stretch the whole movie out to 2 hours, 20 minutes.

NPR talks to real archaeologists about the most famous fictional archaeologist/treasure hunter. The Arizona Republic looks at Indiana Jones and the need for nostalgia.

Want to see Indiana Jones and the King Skull of Crystaldom before opening day (and can’t afford to go to Cannes)? There’s going to be a charity screening on May 18 in Oklahoma City.

and what’s the latest at about Indiana Jones?

  • A quick look at the official commemorative Indiana Jones magazine, available on StarWarsShop.
  • The tour of the Young Indiana Jones DVD sets covers the last chapter (but not the last disc. Disc 9 – Hollywood Follies – After working on Broadway, Indy heads out west to Hollywood and works with John Ford, Irving Thalberg and Erich von Stroheim and gets some tips on stunts from Wyatt Earp. Companion documentaries cover von Stroheim, Ford, Thalberg, and the Hollywood moguls.