Kunochan.com’s top twenty starship captains. Both Han Solo and Grand Moff Tarkin (O RLY?) make the list, but I’m mostly tickled by the inclusion of Turanga Leela. Futurama: awesome animated sci-fi show, or most awesome animated sci-fi show?
Star Wars: It gets around
Silly Brits picked the Lord of the Rings trilogy over classic Star Wars in an Amazon.co.uk poll. Hometown advantage? The prequel trilogy rang in at #6 on the best list (beating Spider-Man) and #5 on the worst.
Get in the car, ET! Google Maps Street View caught you on film! Or at least get rid of the lightsaber, dude. Your friends should get on that GPS thing by now.
- Lucasfilm Singapore’s first work to be out by summer in “several America-made movies.” It can be press release tiem now pls?
- Sideshow interviews Lorne Peterson.
- Spielberg still cashing in on Star Wars bet. He gets 2.5%!
- Speaking of Spielberg, George Lucas is among the luminaries in the documentary Spielberg on Spielberg
FANDOM & Events
- Assembling A Galaxy, Canada’s first Star Wars exhibit.
- Pennsylvania collector Todd Lechniak profiled
- California fan club participates in fundraiser
- TOSblog taunts us with math. Dirty, dirty math.
- Search stats: Here a Darth, there a Darth, there a Dara Darth Darth. (also via TOSblog)
- Large-print Western cover art is using Han Solo as ‘inspiration.’ All things flow back to the source.
Carbonite arts and crafts
Dark chocolate Han Solo chocolate bar? I smell a CJ group project! (Thanks, Bonnie!) Also: Queso dish!
Thursday Diversions
I’ve been too busy for random surfing, but SF Signal to the rescue – they found three (well, four – but we already linked the subwoofer) great Star Wars diversions yesterday: Everything Star Wars, the top 15 Han Solo quotes you need to use in regular conversation, and learn to speak Ewok. Though why anyone would feel the need to talk to Ewoks is mystery to me.
Fan Art: Wuv. True Wuv
Tee-Hee by HanLovesGreedo. And there’s more. An undiscovered fandom subculture? Or is it all for the lulz? Only HanLovesGreedo knows for sure.
Fan Art: Wookiee Noogie
It’s all in the subtext, baybee
Visual proof that Luke, Han and Leia got it on in A New Hope. Amazingly, totally safe-for-work. (via sunnyskywalker)
Most impressive
Science Fiction Weekly reviews out Sideshow’s 12″ Luke Skywalker. Sounds pretty cool, though he still looks more dead-eyed than haunted to me. They also review the Premium Format Vader and Han.
Collectors might note that the pre-order for the 12″ Darth Maul has just started.
Video Saturday: Han Solo on trial
The trial of Han Solo. Amusing and quite well done, though a tad preachy towards the end. Kinda suffers when compared with ‘The Emperor’s Court’ in Tales #14, but what commentary on Greedo shooting first doesn’t?
From the Blogside
Six Deadly Justifications of the “Star Wars” Movie-Verse from Citizenjess and Patientalien. My god, have they been suffering through reading blogs.starwars.com too???
NerfHerdersAnonymous on a key Star Wars/Mozart connection. Friday was the composer’s 250th birthday.
Lavagrrrl on participating in the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s Music Of The Star Wars Saga.
Imadra_blue’s thoughts on Alternate Universe and Alternate Reality fics in Star Wars and Harry Potter fics.
Oninobara on Padme and her relegation to the ghetto of the “Loving Girlfriend.”
Jediwonderboy rants on how Han Solo has been written in the EU. Courtship of Princess Leia: Bring SW fans together in WTF moments since 1994.
Anton of Link Right 2 on the Ben Franklin commemorative coin’s freak resemblance to Palpatine. Spooky.
Slithytove on the difference between science fiction and fantasy.
As usual, big thanks to Jedi News. Find a post that you thinks deserves a place in the next edition of From the Blogside? Email Dunc at simpletricks@gmail.com with the URL.