The fandom minute: Star Wars yoda; Return of the Jedi Obama references; cakes and parties

Matthew Latkiewicz explores the comedy potential of Star Wars branded yoga in a series of correspondence between faux Lucasfilm executive Steve Jones and George Lucas.

Thankful for Vader and other scifi staples

Dinner with the inlaws and other Thanksgiving horrors

I’m a total grinch about the holiday season, but John Scalzi isn’t. He’s included Darth Vader in his SciFi Thanksgiving:

I’m thankful for Darth Vader. In the last 30-some years, has there been a better villain in all of film — not just science fiction film, but film in general? I tell you, there is not (Hannibal Lecter comes close, but dude. Vader could use his Force powers to feed him his own liver with a nice Chianti). Vader is so badass that he survived George Lucas turning him into a whiny loser in the prequel trilogy. Think about that.

Heartwarming no? Hey, at least we’re not in space. UPDATE: Underwired puts The Clone Wars on their list.

But there’s something out there to cure even me: puppies. (LFL has a shiba connection?) Though no word if the puppycam will be up and running today.

The fandom minute: Collector’s marriage still a go; Luke the idiot; Sithcake; Yes, you can haz force

springfieldnewssun.comWhatever happened to the collector from Dr. Phil whose wife tried to shame him into ditching his Star Wars stuff? The Springfield News-Sun follows up. They’re still married, he still has his collection, but he did go on a diet. Score?