Potter, Potter, Potter!

As we approach the Potterdämmerung, the event which will result in all of fandom erupting into a mighty flame war that will bring about the end of the internets, it’s important to remember a few key things:

1. Your first edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone could be worth up to $18,000.

2. Spoilers and speculation are everywhere. If you wish to avoid them, stop going outside, unplug your TV, computer, and any other magical or mundane devices that facilitate communication.

3. Acquire the book as soon as possible. Although it does mean venturing out into the uncontrolled, spoiler-filled world, attending a midnight book release party is your best bet.

4. For Snape’s sake, Don’t panic.

Harry Potter spoiler hacking – for Jesus!

Forget the C4 cake – now this is insane. Hackers claim to have gained access to the manuscript for Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows. Their reason:

We did it by following the precious words of the great Pope Benedict XVI when he still was Cardinal Josepth Ratzinger. He explained why Harry Potter bring the youngs of our earth to Neo Paganism faith.

So we make this spoiler to make reading of the upcoming book useless and boring.

Yeah, that’ll work. Because no one throughly spoiled would ever want to read the actual book. Judge for yourself: The ‘spoilerific’ Potter link is here, with the maybe spoilers and such. In brief: Possible spoilers in the last link. And no, I will not be making a HP spoiler graphic. Well, maybe after the fact, if someone asks really nicely.

Scholastic: “Consider this one more theory.”