In this one stormtroopers and Boba Fett boogie to a filked ‘YMCA.’ Clutch your pearls, fanboys!
Video: Dance-Off with the Star Wars Stars 2011
Let’s face it – for some of us (or maybe just me) – the appeal of Star Wars Weekends and Star Tours II is rather limited. However, this is one thing I look forward to every year from Disney World, and that is the Hyperspace Hoopla Dance-Off. Here’s the latest: Enjoy!
Video: Star Wars ballet
Galina and Valery Panov perform to music from Star Wars, with no less than John Williams conducting. (via)
Video: Disney Weekends Dance-Off 2010
It’s that time of year again… Here’s the new batch of Dance Off with the Star Wars Stars from Star Wars Weekends.
Video: The Dance Trooper has a posse
Or did he just get served? All I know? It might be on. Kids these days. (via)
Video: Your weekend dose of bizarre
Uhh… Vive la France? (via)
Video: Tokyo Dance Trooper in Singapore
Well, my world is shattered.
Video: Dance, lightsaber robot, dance!
General Grevious these things are not. (via)
Tokyo Dance Trooper don’t stop
Again, Danny Choo? (via)
Video: Tokyo Dance Trooper at it again
Let Danny Choo bring some rhythm to Monday morning with Gatsby Trooper. (via)