A single, solitary comic this Wednesday: Legacy #40, the conclusion of the ‘Tatooine’ storyline. I find myself hoping that Morrigan shots Cade (not a spoiler: look at the cover;) if only to put
us him out of his fail spiral.
As for books, both Amazon and B&N are showing a release date of October 1st for Steve Sansweet’s 1,000 Collectibles: Memorabilia and Stories from a Galaxy Far, Far Away. A Thursday? Does that just mean there is no official release date? In any case, go ahead and start looking but don’t count on anything.
They’re probably trying for a non-traditional day in an attempt to get noticed by the bookstores who would otherwise take their sweet time putting it out on the floor.
As it is, I’m going to probably have to special order it because I’m at a new store who doesn’t have me in its profile, as yet. (It takes so long to train them.)
I’ve got an ARC of the collectible book and I have to say it’s pretty damned interesting…
And fun to look at…