ABOVE: “Care to surrender” from Fury.
One of the most prolific and well-known artists in fandom, Falconfan does some fantastic pencil art of our heroes. And really, what more is there to say? On to the art!
ABOVE: “Leia Solo, Jedi Knight” and “Unacceptable Losses”
ABOVE: “Choices…” (Ben Skywalker, Exile) and “Allana, Princess of Hapes”
ABOVE: “Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka “ (He does look like Jesus! Oh dear.)
ABOVE: Cover concepts for Betrayal and Jagged Fel.
ABOVE: “Sacrifice.”
ABOVE: “A Sweet Romance” and “Skivvies Skirmish.” (Aaron, you are never living that one down.)
Don’t forget check out her gallery and TFN artist thread for more, including Soontir Fel, Wedge/Iella, Tahiri and more!
Perhaps we need to go on a hunt for Star Wars Underoos to give to Aaron in memory of the Skivvies Skirmish.
Nice tribute to one of the best SW fan artists out there.
All of these are amazing!