Someone actually wrote Luke/Jabba? You sick little… Oh, Sith Chicks. Pah.
Oh, and sorry folks, while Gaius Baltar/Jaime Sommers would be hilarious, slash it isn’t…
Star Wars with occasional sarcasm
Someone actually wrote Luke/Jabba? You sick little… Oh, Sith Chicks. Pah.
Oh, and sorry folks, while Gaius Baltar/Jaime Sommers would be hilarious, slash it isn’t…
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This month’s GQ has a little blurb on slash, including pairings like Aragon/Frodo and Jack/Sawyer and small excerpts from the stories.
Between that and the Cassie Edwards plagiarism mention on “Wait! Wait! Don’t Tell Me,” my weekend involved a bizarre invasion of fandom in unexpected places…
Heh. It seems the Luke/Jabba tale they linked to was written by someone who’s now a pro GLBT author.
And yeah, what’s up with the total FAIL of calling a Baltar and Sommers fic slash? “Slash” hasn’t been used for het pairings since the days when fanfic was hand-churned on zine presses.
Dang. The one week I miss “Wait! Wait!” and they have Cassie Edwards?!