I don’t know why Hasbro is doing a 4-figure The Last Command action figure set in 2024 – the book turned 30 last year – but here we are. The Black Series set (aka 6-inch figures) features Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Joruus C’baoth and Luuke from the book’s final confrontation.
Mara’s sculpt is the same as the 2022 one – which yes, I probably should have come out of retirement to write about then, but I think I hit my lifetime limit of writing about the catsuit at some point, probably 2012. (If it’s only Mara and/or instant gratification you want, fear not – looks like you can still order her solo.) And the head sculpt is actually decent this time.
The set does come with an additional Mara head and alternate arms for Joruus, so you can have him electrocute someone or reenact the original Heir to the Empire cover. (I believe this is the first figure ever for both Joruus and Luuke. If clones of main characters count, that is.)
The set can be pre-ordered – the fact that this shocks me tells you how often I buy action figures – and will cost you $89.99. (The solo Mara figure is $27.99, so that all tracks.) It ships in August.
Am I in a time machine? Is this 2015? Am I really reading a Club Jade post? Does that make me very happy? YES IT DOES! (Hi Dunc)