Checking in with the Fan Club race

Things were getting a little nasty for a while there, but hopefully the race to be Star Wars Fan Club President is back on track now.

According to the leaderboard, Tom ‘Uscwannabe’ Costabile is still in the lead with 162 recruited, and Dustin Roberts has 135. I don’t see anyone coming up from behind with those numbers – the third-placer, mkDCSWCC, still only has nine recruitments.

It’s possible that Dustin could still take it, with ten days left. His numbers aren’t too puzzling – he’s been pimping on two of the biggest fansites for weeks now. But Uscwannabe’s lead is still a bit of a mystery. Who is this guy, and where is he getting all those votes? I have no idea, and neither I nor Club Jade as a whole are endorsing any candidates.

However, this is good news for folks that want to have a say but have their accounts set to auto-renew: If your Hyperspace account has auto-renewed during the race, you can still have a vote.