Gate Geek – It’s like a garage sale, but with staff weapons

So you’ve had two TV series and a new one on the way.  Your storage room is getting a little overcrowded.  What’s the first rule of organizing?  Purge, people.

And so it is that we have a new legacy auction running of Stargate SG1 and SGA merchandise from the Stargate productions storage room.  Apparently, over 100 items will slowly be going up.

This is really the stuff, folks.  Plus, you get Robert Cooper’s signature on your certificate of authenticity.

Won’t you look cool running through Dragon*Con with this stuff!

Five blogs you should be reading (and their friends)

So Livejournal is going down today for a few hours, leaving many fandomers bereft of one of their main sources of information. My Livejournal friendslist is one of the first things I read every morning and perhaps my main pipeline of internet goings-on (Which I then filter for you here! And here!) And by the time I wake up, it will be down for the duration.

But luckily, I also have about a bagillion bookmarks. So here, for you, are five blogs that are of vital importance to the cause, worth checking out while LJ is incommunicado. (And that you might not already know – for the obvious, just see the blogroll.)

The Whatever is the blogging fortress of science fiction author John Scalzi. If you only read one personal blog of a science fiction personality, you could do worse. (Plus he’s supremely snarky – we love those types around here.) See also: Tor, Neil Gaiman, Antick Musings.

TV Tattle
The blog as information disseminator in the most basic form (it doesn’t even have an RSS feed!) Generally I have at least a half-dozen blogs for any given topic, but TV Tattle is quite literally the only TV blog I check on daily basis. See also: It’s all you need, really. But if you’re obsessed with just one particular show or creator, best look for a site devoted to the topic, ala Whedonesque.

When Gawker starts a blog that covers your area of interest, you pretty much have to read it, at least on my end. Even if they do sometimes post some seriously stupid shit. See also: ‘The lady Gawker,’ Jezebel, Boing Boing, Topless Robot.

SF Signal
Serious about genre? This is the place. They are strong in the art of finding everything that could possibly be of interest, and their features are top-notch stuff. Seriously, no complaints, and sometimes they link us! See also: Big Dumb Object, Underwire, Binary Bonsai.

There are a lot of movie blogs out there, but /film is my favorite. They hit the major stuff without making me having to slog through a dozen pages for a single day, with a great eye for video and random ‘cool stuff.’ And yes, this is fanboy territory. Be strong. See also: Cinematical, The Movie Blog, MTV Movies.

Want to contribute? Link your own favorites in the comments! (Yes, basic HTML works, though if you have a lot of URLs your comment may be held for approval.)

Is Dollhouse in the doghouse?

It’s like deja vu all over again.  Fox has decided to place the new Whedon show Dollhouse on Fridays at 9pm, Eastern.  Fans of Firefly are probably having flashbacks to its own deadly timeslot of Fridays at 9pm.  And it’ll be in competition with Clone Wars and whatever lands on that slot on SciFi, once Stargate Atlantis is off the air.  But they’re pairing it with The Sarah Connor Chronicles, so hopefully that will help it a little.

i09 is hopeful, though, and thinks this will be Joss’ best show ever.  Think those shiny thoughts, people!

Showtime mining ‘Camelot’ myth for new show

Alan Lee's Camelot

Is King Arthur due for a comeback? The BBC recently launched Merlin (coming to America on NBC, eventually) and now we have word that The Tudors team is developing a Camelot. The myth hasn’t had great luck on TV (both 2001’s The Mists of Avalon and Sam Neill’s 1998 Merlin are better off forgotten) but who knows? There’s plenty of blood and sex to go around, so perhaps the time has come for a R-rated Pendragon soap opera.

Your random Star Wars TV reference of the week

On Thursday’s 30 Rock, Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) dressed up as Princess Leia, put on a wacky accent, and claimed to be able to “read thoughts,” all to get out of jury duty.

You can see a brief clip at Gawker, and the full episode at Hulu.

I’m pretty sure it’s a hell of a lot easier than that – when I was called a few years back, they dismissed a guy in his early 20’s for basically wearing his nametag upside down. Or maybe it was the Young Jedi Knights book he was reading. Whatever – I ended up having to put in six days on that jury. Sigh.