Yes, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford had a thing

ANH: Han and Leia

In her new book, The Princess Diarist, Carrie Fisher admits that she and Harrison Ford had an affair while filming the first Star Wars.

And thousands of Star Wars fans cried out: “We know!” (Or, well, suspected, as it’s been insinuated by Fisher and others many times in recent years.)

The Princess Diarist“I didn’t say anything to anybody for years but it’s not like anyone’s deeply affected by it anymore,” Fisher told People magazine. At the time, Ford was 33 and married with two kids; Fisher was 18.

Radar got their hands on an early copy of the book and are spilling more details, but Fisher is urged journalists to “read the book before they write their stories” in a follow-up with People.

Fisher did give Ford a heads-up and a draft of the book, but he has yet to comment. (Don’t hold your breathe.)

The Princess Diarist is out next Tuesday.

The catchup: Rogue One posters, Catalyst interviews

We got a pair of new posters this week; The first for IMAX, the second for Dolby. Both are more adventurous than the standard one-sheet, but there’s still plenty of that shiny digital smoothness that’s de rigueur these days. A late addition: New character posters from Japan, on a Spanish website because why not.

Rogue One’s first tie-in novel, Catalyst, came out this week and there are interviews with author James Luceno over at (by our own James) and The Verge (by Andrew Liptak.) You can also check out reviews at Big Shiny Robot and Tosche Station. And finally, if you just want the summary/spoilers/infodump, there’s io9. (Or Chris Taylor at Mashable.)

→ EW’s Anthony Breznican (and John Knoll) on the style inspiration for K-2SO.

→ Of course ILMxLAB has a Rogue One tie-in, too.

→ One of the new TV spots offers a glimpse of Warwick Davis’ character.

Star Wars out this week: The Force Awakens 3D Blu-ray, Catalyst

Out Tuesday we have The Force Awakens 3D Blu-ray, which also includes director J.J. Abrams’ commentary. (Some of it we already know from preview clips and other media, but there’s a decent rundown over at io9.)

In books, there’s the Rogue One prequel novel, Catalyst by James Luceno. It’s our last major release before the film, although we do have Carrie Fisher’s latest memoir coming on the 22nd.

The catchup: Rogue One commercials, why the movie’s message matters


First off, there are two new Rogue One commercials out this week:

Anyone seen them in the wild yet?

→ CBR’s Brett White on why, after the presidental election. Rogue One matters more than ever. The film’s screenwriters Gary Whitta and Chris Weitz are also showing solidarity for those fearful of a Trump presidency.

→ Over at Entertainment Weekly, there’s a new excerpt from Catalyst featuring Galen and Jyn Erso. Meanwhile, Jennifer Heddle has 6 reasons the novel is essential.

→ Interviews with Riz Ahmed and Gareth Edwards.

Today in Rogue One: Behind-the-scenes shots, Donnie Yen, new posters

ro-bts-swaStar Wars Aficionado got their hands on some new behind the scenes shots from Rogue One.

→ Jetset magazine has an interview with Donnie Yen, where he talks about initially turning down Rogue One and how it was his idea to make Chirrut blind. Though no, the character still isn’t Force-sensitive. (via)

→ On Twitter: Two new posters for Mexico and Latin America and a pair of behind the scenes shots from filming at the Canary Wharf tube station.

The Rogue One advertising blitz is taking off

Lucasfilm released a new tv spot – our first for the movie itself – for Rogue One today. The pieces are (mostly) familiar, but assembly may raise some questions on what we know so far. (Though recall the TFA trailers also had bits of dialogue that didn’t make the final cut.)

@garywhitta: Beautiful portrait of Mon Mothma in #RogueOne. #ImWithHer
@garywhitta: Beautiful portrait of Mon Mothma in #RogueOne. #ImWithHer
→ Screenwriter Gary Whitta introduced us to a promo shot of Genevieve O’Reilly as Mon Mothma

→ Another product tie-in spot debuted this week, this one for for Gillette razors. I wonder, are we still calling GFFA bathrooms ‘refreshers’?

→ The @StarWarsUK twitter accounted debuted some new banner art. Will we be seeing these in theaters?

→ Entertainment Weekly’s Anthony Breznican shares a look at the TIE Striker.

→ Yes crafters, there is Rogue One fabric. Check them out at the Fat Quarter Shop.

NYT highlights female fans of Star Wars


The New York Times has a feature on female Star Wars fans today, including several familiar names, like Johnamarie Macias of The Wookiee Gunner, Tricia Barr of the podcast Fangirls Going Rogue and Lauren Kell of the Women of Star Wars Tumblr.

It’s all fairly basic info to anyone who’s been hanging around fandom recently – even if you haven’t been around long enough to be classified as a relic. But at the end of the day, what’s old hat to us is still in the New York Times today. And isn’t that something?

And yeah, I probably do need to update that FAQ page. Whoops.