Well, we have a title! Episode VIII is officially titled The Last Jedi, Lucasfilm announced this morning.
And here’s Mark Hamill’s reaction:
Star Wars with occasional sarcasm
Well, we have a title! Episode VIII is officially titled The Last Jedi, Lucasfilm announced this morning.
And here’s Mark Hamill’s reaction:
Leland Chee, Pablo Hidalgo, and Matt Martin of the Lucasfilm Story Group discuss Rogue One with StarWars.com’s Andi Gutierrez.
Going to Celebration in Orlando? Looking for a Thursday night event? Check out Drowning in Moonlight, a memorial benefit gala for Carrie Fisher and benefiting The Midnight Misson. It’s hosted by Tosche Station and the Star Wars Podcast Alliance.
Tickets start at $40 and are on sale now. The gala is being held at the Rosen Centre Hotel, which is right next door to the Orange County Convention Center.
Lucasfilm has outright denied a recent report that said they’ve been negotiating wit Carrie Fisher’s estate to digitally recreate her for future films. The statement:
We want to assure our fans that Lucasfilm has no plans to digitally recreate Carrie Fisher’s performance as Princess or General Leia Organa.
Carrie Fisher was, is, and always will be a part of the Lucasfilm family. She was our princess, our general, and more importantly, our friend. We are still hurting from her loss. We cherish her memory and legacy as Princess Leia, and will always strive to honor everything she gave to Star Wars.
The rumor originated on the BBC earlier this week, and was first reported by SWNN, with an expansion by io9.
Entertainment Weekly’s Anthony Breznican looks into if the crew of the Hammerhead in Rogue One survived the battle over Scarif. The answer? Spoiler: Sort of.
→ Also at EW, the creative team for Marvel’s Rogue One adaptation. Like The Force Awakens, it’ll be a six-issue series, but this one is written by Jody Houser and illustrated by Emilio Laiso. The first issue is due out in April. (That Phil Noto cover sure looks familiar…)
→ A new look at K-2SO from ABC gives us a look at Alan Tudyk in a different last scene for the droid.
→ io9’s Germain Lussier talks to editor John Gilroy about the film, focusing on the third act.
→ The origin of Jyn Erso’s name isn’t going to be feeding any of those Dark Forces conspiracy theories, sorry.
→ Shocking, Rogue One is up for several categories in the VES Awards. It’s also up for a Costume Designers Guild Award.
→ China isn’t that into it: Rogue One opens softer than The Force Awakens did.
Lest we forget, Felicity Jones is hosting Saturday Night Live this coming weekend. Last time a Star Wars star hosted, we got Matt the Radar Technician, so, fingers crossed.
Woody Harrelson is indeed joing the Han Solo standalone, StarWars.com confirms today. The casting was first reported by Variety last week.
“We couldn’t be more excited to work with an artist with as much depth and range as Woody,” said the film’s directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. “His ability to find both humor and pathos, often in the same role, is truly unique. He is also very good at ping pong.”
Harrelson joins Alden Ehrenreich, Donald Glover and Emilia Clarke as the film’s fourth confirmed cast member.
Like the last few annoucements, StarWars.com declines to use any release date for the movie besides “2018.” It’s been heavily rumored and seems fairly likely that the film will move to a December release date, just like The Force Awakens, Rogue One and Episode VIII before it.
Later Wednesday, Harrelson commented on the role during a Facebook Live chat with Mashable, confirming the “mentor” portion of the original report. (via)
Turns out USA Today got a bit more from Episode VIII director Rian Johnson than what we heard yesterday. He wants it to “to be a blast and to be funny and to be a ride;” Luke Skywalker is the “emotional entry point” and… It does have a title. Or rather, Johnson’s had one from “the very first draft.” The rest of us will probably be waiting until spring.
Episode VIII director Rian Johnson actually said something new! For USA Today’s 2017 movie preview, he said that “a large part of the movie” will address why Luke is on Ahch-To and what he’ll do next, as well as Rey’s “realization that she has this power and this gift.” It’s not the most shocking of revelations, but it’s more than we’ve gotten in quite a while.
Want some (possible?) spoilers? Keep reading. Continue reading “Rian Johnson actually talks about Episode VIII”
Director Gareth Edwards explained why the iconic shot that ended the first trailer didn’t make it into the movie.