In San Francisco for Halloween? Take part in Lots of Leias. All Star Wars characters are welcome.
Droid Wrangler
The official site has a multi-page profile of Don Bies, Lucasfilm’s go-to guy for keeping droids in check. Some interesting insight on the unique issues of working with Artoo and Threepio. Spoilers are fairly minor – just don’t look too closely at the pictures.
In other Ep3 news, some collector cards have gone up on eBay, with new images and some spoilery information. Check out the auctions here and here. See them at IESB. Watch for MAJOR SPOILERS.
The Dark Side’s Middle Management
Some hilarious musings on the Sith power structure from Venusburg.
It must have been terribly frustrating for poor Count Dooku, getting older and older in his position in middle management as young Sith turks are fast-tracked into being deputy Sith lord. I mean, the guy is ancient. All the other young Sith must have wondered why, after his long years of service, he was still stuck on the fourth floor, corner office or no. Rumours of some scandal, perhaps involving Darth Sidious’ wife. Or could he just not handle the pressure?
Wars with your Coffee?
Remember when you were younger and actually read the paper every day? It was probably only because you wanted to read the daily Star Wars comic strip.
The Official Site will be running daily comic strips for Hyperspace members every weekday, starting October 4th. Along with reruns of the classic daily comic strip, we’ll also get two new stories. One of those is written by Paul Ens, TOS webmaster and all-around good guy.
Now…if only they could link from there to Ripley’s Believe It, Or Not!
PG-13? For Star Wars?!
Wow. Things must really be getting dark in Episode 3 if there’s the possibility of a PG-13 rating.
Of course, George ascribes this to the emotional intensity of the film. Could it possibly be the death and carnage that we know will occur, instead? However, there’s no blood in the GFFA. So emotional intensity it is!
Star Wars Books and Magazines
Alas. Not one, single offering on the book front, this week. However, the deluge of magazines continues!
People Magazine – October 4, 2004 – If you can get past the fact that Britney is on the cover (WHY do we still care?), there’s a lovely, albeit short, interview with one Peter Mayhew.
SFX Magazine – October, 2004 – Did they hear my whining, last week? The ANH covers are out. Look for the Dark Side and Light Side versions. There is coverage of the Ep3 title reveal in the front news section. A great picture of Steve Sansweet with Hayden Christensen and Rick McCallum. Then right after the Classic Trilogy article, on page 56, there is a rumors and speculations on Ep3 article. The Classic Trilogy coverage looks great, though. It includes interviews with Carrie Fisher and Anthony Daniels.
Total Film – September, 2004 – The series of articles on the making of the Classic Trilogy concludes with coverage of Return of the Jedi. There’s a rather large picture of Carrie Fisher and her stunt double sunning in the Slave Leia costume. (Guys…run and get your copies now!) And there are a couple of other pictures I don’t think I’ve seen before.
Go forth. Shop.
I don’t fear…
This summary of Episode 3 seems likely, at least according to what spoiler material I’ve read. Needless to say, this link is not for our friends who dwell in the spoiler cave.
Pirate figures
This won’t help anyone in pursuit of Johnny Depp’s dirty pirate children, but you might be glad to hear that there are Pirates Of The Caribbean action figures coming out. Including a 18″ (!!!) Jack Sparrow.
Alas, they don’t seem to stripable, so you’ll have to content yourself with Obi-Wan and his tawdry pals. On that note… I ran across a customized Qui-Gon on LJ. Is he not sparkly?
Buyer Beware?
Apparently the Special Features DVD will overwrite some of the software if you play it on an Xbox. Okay!
It is your destiny. I have forseen it.
Celebration III registration opens up next week. There are virtual lines forming as I type this, I’m sure. Assuming SW fans can tear themselves away from their DVDs…
“As you can see, my young fanboy, your whining has failed. Now witness the firepower of this fully-armed and operational DVD launch!”