Today in The Last Jedi: Who’s ready to jump in an X-wing and blow stuff up?

New footage spotted! A brief look at Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose Tico in action is a highlight of a spot for EDF Energy (okay…), while General Organa and Poe have a great exchange in a new commercial. (Another recent spot features new Finn footage!)

There’s also a great profile of Tran at Buzzfeed which is definitely worth a read. She talks about her background, Harry Potter, and Carrie Fisher in the gym. She teases that Rose has “has an interesting relationship with war.” She’s also one of The Hollywood Reporter’s Next Gen Talent picks.

There were also two big image reveals today: A new picture of Laura Dern as Amilyn Holdo came as part of a quick profile in Elle, and the IMAX poster in USA Today.

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Is there a Padme Amidala YA novel in the pipeline?

It appears that there may be a Padme Amidala YA novel in the works – at least per the franchise’s German publisher, Panini. There’s not much info – no author, no details on where it might be set in the prequel era – so there’s still a lot to wait for in an official announcement. Still, this does seem a natural followup to the recent Leia and Ahsoka novels, so I can’t see any real reason to doubt it’s happening.

UPDATE: Panini asked Jedi Bibliothek to remove the listing. Curious.

Also dropping today – officially – is a preview of the Thrawn comic, which adapts Timothy Zahn’s canon novel from earlier this year. The series will kick off with #1 in February, and it brings back long-haired Thrawn to boot.

And one from last week- an excerpt of Canto Bight, The Last Jedi novella tie-in that’s out on December 5. The excerpt is from John Jackson Miller, but the collection also includes works from Saladin Ahmed, Rae Carson and Mira Grant.

Rian Johnson books return trip to the GFFA with a “brand-new” trilogy

The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson has clearly made quite an impression over at Lucasfilm, because they’ve just announced that he’s developing a new Star Wars trilogy. The new trilogy won’t be part of the episode/Skywalker cycle, and will “introduce new characters from a corner of the galaxy that Star Wars lore has never before explored.” He will write and direct the first film at least, along with producer Ram Bergman.

There’s no release dates for these new movies yet. J.J. Abrams’ Episode IX is the last film on the schedule currently, with a release date of December 20, 2018.

Johnson’s The Last Jedi is next up, on December 15.

Some of us have been speculating that a standalone trilogy might fill the gap between IX and the (nigh inevitable) second sequel trilogy, and this indicates that may be how Lucasfilm is leaning as well… But we’ll just have to wait and see.

New photo, details on The Last Jedi’s Rose Tico

Entertainment Weekly has a new The Last Jedi photo of Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose Tico, and some new info about the character as well. Much is made of the object on her necklace, which is “definitely something that is significant to Rose’s backstory,” Tran says.

Elsewhere, theater owners tell the Wall Street Journal that Disney’s requirements for screening The Last Jedi “are the most onerous they’ve ever seen.”

Next block of new Rebels brings Warwick Davis’ Rukh, Seth Green

The next two episodes of Star Wars Rebels, ‘Kindred’ and ‘Crawler Commandeers,’ will have two special guest stars. Warwick Davis is voicing Rukh, the show’s second big Legends transplant, while Seth Green is doing duty as Captain Seevor, a Trandoshan. Nerdist has a preview clip.

Davis is also doing a Reddit AMA today.

A clip from ‘Kindred’ and stills from both episodes under the cut.

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