Could a certain someone be making a brief appearance in “Revenge of the Sith”? Possible character name/casting spoiler.
Fantastic essay on Obi-Wan!
The ever-eloquent randomalia has posted a wonderful essay on the character of Obi-Wan Kenobi to the idol_reflection community on LiveJournal.
Especially interesting are her insights into the complex relationships between Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan and Anakin:
Obi-Wan’s most formative years are with Qui-Gon, and as their relationship deepened, Obi-Wan developed an unshakable loyalty to his Master, one he keeps with him throughout his life. It is this devotion that drives Obi-Wan to promise to train Anakin, though it goes against his wishes and judgment. That promise is given without hesitation, simply because Qui-Gon asks for it. In this way, Obi-Wan’s experiences with this Jedi tradition continue to be unusual. He was not chosen, and does not choose his own apprentice, a fact that lies deep at the heart of the difficulties between Obi-Wan and Anakin.
I cannot recommend this essay highly enough. No spoilers for “Revenge of the Sith”.
Trading Sith Spaces
There is mounting evidence that the collectibles being released for Episode 3 could probably provide Hildi (of Trading Spaces) with some interesting decorating themes.
Witness the new line of decorating accessories announced on
I don’t know which is more trippy, the bead curtain or the lava lamp.
Merchandise… again
On, we get kiddie books, cheestastic t-shirts, backpacks and lunchboxes, and gaming stuff.
Meanwhile, TFN found some new Legos, high-res scan of the storybook cover, M&M collector packaging, a new toy and a cereal box
“The best trailer we’ve ever done”
Revenge of the Sith producer Rick McCallum had a Hyperspace chat yesterday – although you have to be a Hyperspace member to see the whole thing, TFN has some highlights.
Hamill wins awards, addresses rumors
Mark Hamill’s Comic Book: The Movie won ‘several top honors’ (The Beat is as clueless as we are, thanks to Variety‘s subscription service.) Naturally, red carpet interviews were nabbed about the Star Wars television show: “Never say never.” IESB has video.
Books and Mags
Um. Did anyone miss me, last week? Atlanta had an ice storm and I wasn’t about to go out with the crazy people to see if Labyrinth of Evil had officially hit the bookshelves. So, let’s get on with it…
Next week is usually the big release week for magazines (and I suspect there’ll be a lot as we get closer to May 19th), but we did have one this week.
Sci Fi Magazine – April 2005 – This cover claims (in rather large letters) that it has major spoilers inside; mostly for Episode 3. Since I’ve been bitten one too many times for my level of spoilerdom, lately, I have declined to look to see if they’re just full of it. If someone else did so, please advise in the comments.
Labyrinth of Evil – James Luceno – This story will take us up to the events of Clone Wars Cartoon, Volume 2. Then Clone Wars takes us right up to the opening crawl. In this one, Obi-Wan and Anakin go on yet another mission to rid the galaxy of all things Trade Federation when they get a lead on the infamous Darth Sidious. Will they figure it out? Will this just make it all the more annoying to wait for Episode 3 to be released?
Secrets of the Jedi – Jude Watson – Ah, yes. This is the one, Wantons. We always knew something was up between Obi-Wan and Siri. Now we be gettin’ us some confirmation! This is a hardcover in the Jedi Apprentice series featuring two generations of masters and apprentice (Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan/Anakin). Wackiness ensues when Anakin’s wife comes along on the mission. Much angst to ensue, as well, I’m sure.
Drowning in Darth
Yet more merchandise – three new Star Wars calendars, board games, and dishes. TFN has a new creature toy and two impressive Japanese figures.
Is it just me, or is this way more stuff than they released for AOTC? Not toys, maybe, but I certainly don’t remember plates…
Collectors, I feel for your wallets
Merchandise reports are flooding in – not only has Star Wars Shop added a variety of new stuff, but the official site has also annouced Giant Pez and Attacktix, a action figure battle game.
Interesting ROTS article
“The Times” has a very interesting article about “Revenge of the Sith.”
Big time spoilers!