Teenage girls are web’s content queens

Watch out for the teenagers… The New York Times says:

Research shows that among the youngest Internet users, the primary creators of Web content (blogs, graphics, photographs, Web sites) are not misfits resembling the Lone Gunmen of “The X Files.” On the contrary, the cyberpioneers of the moment are digitally effusive teenage girls.

Not that there’s anything wrong with the Lone Gunman. Well… maybe a little. As long as you bathe, boys. Daily.

Sadly, the figures for adult women are not quite as good. At least, when only looking at computer science programs, which seems a bit narrow-minded. I for one have a ‘web job,’ went into school knowing what I wanted and my degree is in fine art. There are a lot of ways to come at technology: Do you really think all those girls making icons and blogging and podcasting are going to go major in computer science? If they want to continue their hobbies professionally they’ll go for something a lot more specialized.

In the News: Prosthetics, people and Sidi Driss

IMAGE: Dean Kamen’s Artificial Arm

Begun, the human cloning has…

Stemagen Corp. scientists have created embryos from cells taken from their company’s chief executive and an anonymous investor.

Five of the new embryos grew in laboratory dishes to the stage that fertility doctors consider ready for transfer to a woman’s womb: a degree of development that clones of adult humans have never achieved before.

No one knows whether those embryos were healthy enough to grow into babies. But the study leader, who is also the medical director of a fertility clinic, said they looked robust, even as he emphasized that he has no interest in cloning people.

Lack of interest in human cloning: UR DOIN IT WRONG.