Roundup: How Abu Dhabi nabbed Episode VII and more

ep7-imax→ Abu Dhabi nabbed Star Wars from Jordan at the very last minute, according to a new article in The Hollywood Reporter.

→ Harrison Ford is flying around England, while John Boyega and Lupita Nyong’o are either hanging out with his likeness or they both have the same one. Mystery!

→ And finally, in the possible spoiler department, Making Star Wars describes a ship that is either very Falcon-like or an alternate Falcon model. Jason has also seen two more alphabet fighters and X-wing concepts. And then he heard from someone who witnessed some filming at Pinewood.

Spoilerphobes beware: Sizable batch of supposed Episode VII concept art is in the wild

spoilers-swirl-bespinI suppose it was only a matter of time.

Several pieces of supposed Episode VII concept art were posted overnight – some of which you may recognize from previous image leaks and/or the Making Star Wars descriptions (two new ones from the past day or so: a new alphabet ship, which I can’t spot in the new leaks, and a crashed fighter, which is.) There’s also a hefty chunk of stuff featuring the Millennium Falcon. They’re at Imageshack, at least at the moment.

Please keep in mind this is concept art, which means it may or may not have any relation to what actually shows up in the film.

If you don’t want to see any of this, stay off the hashtags on social media sites, because folks are being pretty indiscriminate.

Episode VII news: Yet more concept art?

spoilers-swirl-muppet→ Yet more supposed concept art descriptions from Making Star Wars, including one that may be related to the big rumor/spoiler, the Greenham Common ‘extras’ and the turkey/goat looking dude from the first Force for Change video. They also note that casting for future projects is starting to heat up.

→ Latino Review’s Friday Star Wars column notes some Jedi theories that have been floating around.

Joel Edgerton reads Variety. Shocking!

Today in Episode VII: Concept art, Imaginarium visits, editor talk and diversity

→There’s another concept art description from Making Star Wars today, perhaps one from the same sequence as the battle art we saw a few weeks ago.

→ Actor Pip Anderson was at the Imaginarium. Make of that what you will.

→ A report from a talk with editor Mary Jo Markey. She doesn’t talk about Episode VII, but you don’t really expect her to, do you?

→ New Tosche Station staffer Shoshana writes about diversity, race and Episode VII.