The wisdom of crowds: The Matrix better than ANH?

Over at Rankopedia’s list of the best sci-fi movies, it’s The Empire Strikes Back in the top spot at the moment, with The Matrix and Serenity in second and third. (io9 was clearly a motivator earlier this afternoon when they pointed out The Matrix was #1; it’s dropped a spot since.) Other placers: A New Hope is #4, Return of the Jedi at #11 and Revenge of the Sith at #22. As far as lists go it’s kinda wacky, but that’s the internet for you. It’s not set in stone: anyone can register and shake things up a bit, so by the time you read this entry, who knows?

No love for sequels (or Serenity) at AFI

Sci Fi Wire readers bemoan the lack of The Empire Strikes Back, Aliens and Serenity in the… Wait a minute. AFI’s doing a list of the Best Science Fiction movies? A top ten? Which will air in June? You’d think I’d have noticed that yesterday… Need to stop doing this stuff at 4am, clearly. Let that be a lesson to you all: Don’t blog while drowsy. (She says, posting at 4am. Again.)

Oh well. Whatever the final results, we can at least be sure that Star Wars won’t get beat out by The Godfather.

A constant drizzle of pollage

Poll: Indy IV smashes all competition

IMAGE: Pie Chart! The poll closed at midnight yesterday, and what 132 CJ readers are looking forward to the most for this year is Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Indy IV took an early lead and stayed the top pick all week, ending with 53 votes. The Clone Wars finished second, with 34 votes, closely followed by the finale of Legacy of the Force with 31 votes. And The Force Unleashed takes up the rear, with only 11 votes.

Be sure to vote in the new poll, What did you think of Legacy of the Force: Revelation? It will run through March 9th.

More polls, please!

Imadra Blue is polling for Star Wars fandom preferences on the Livejournal. It’s mainly a saga (mostly prequel) oriented poll, both because that’s Jax’s corner of fandom and because there isn’t really a huge contingent of active EU fans there. (Obligatory pimping of starwars_eu and marafics. And yes, there will be a giant EU poll sooner rather than later. As usual, I have more ideas than time to type them.)

And don’t forget to vote in our first sidebar poll! Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has been holding a steady lead in what you want the most for 2008. Looks like I’ll have to buy JawaJames a whip!

Democracy comes to!

Take a look over at the sidebar, and vote in our first poll, ‘What are you most looking forward to in 2008?’

It’s not technically our first poll, as old-timers may recall, but that was back when the site was teal and at a URL I no longer remember and thus can’t look up on the Wayback Machine.

Future polls will (hopefully) be slightly more imaginative.

The fandom minute: Cub Scouts and cannon fodder

TEASER: Cub Scout Landspeeder