#ForceforDaniel’s Daniel Fleetwood has passed away

forcefordanielDaniel Fleetwood, the ill Star Wars fan who got to see The Force Awakens a last week, has passed away. Per his wife Ashley on Facebook:

Daniel put up an amazing fight to the very end. He is now one with God and with the force. He passed in his sleep and in peace. He will always be my idol and my hero. Please hug uncle Marc for me and give Lucy lots of kisses. Rest in peace my love.

Ashley is still raising money for Daniel’s medical bills on GoFundMe. The fund is now up to $57K – more than half of what’s needed.

Terminally ill fan gets to see rough cut of The Force Awakens

forcefordanielDaniel Fleetwood, a Texas fan with terminal cancer who was given only two months to live in September, got his wish to see The Force Awakens, his wife Ashley said today:

Daniel just finished watching an unedited version of Star Wars: The Force Awakens!!! We would like to thank the awesomely talented JJ Abrams for calling us yesterday to tell us Danjel was getting his wish granted! We also would like to thank Lynne, Ben and Anahuac for coming to our home and screening the movie for Daniel.

Actors Mark Hamill, John Boyega and many more have shown their support for #ForceForDaniel. Hamill has already responded to the news.

Over $31K has been raised for Daniel’s medical bills on GoFundMe.

Lucasfilm and Target want your Star Wars memories


Lucasfilm and Target have paired up to create Share the Force, a new site that lets fans add theirs and see others. Mashable has a few celebrity selections, and some cute videos.

I’m a soulless, jaded fan who’s over this kind of thing (or at least rather sick of telling ‘my story’ – it’s just not that exciting,) but it’s a cute idea, and the instant sharing aspect is at least a step above previous efforts that simply vanished into Lucasfilm’s archives.