Wear Star Wars Every Day: Week Seven

In the update for Week Seven for #WearStarWarsEveryDay, I wear one hat and a bunch of shirts, including one of the least Star Warsy shirts that probably still had to go through licensing. This recap covers February 12 – 19 of my wearathon, and an update on fundraising for Collateral Repair Project, a non-profit organization that provides emergency assistance, education, and community support to urban refugees. We got three donors this past week, pushing us to over $1,000 raised overall, and more than $820 on GoFundMe!

Get more info on what Wear Star Wars Every Day is all about, or make a donation or a per-day pledge!

Wear Star Wars Every Day: Week Six

Week Six for #WearStarWarsEveryDay wrapped up the tail end of baby wear week for the first week of February, and then got us back into regular shirts. This recap covers February 5 – 11 of my wearathon, and an update on fundraising for Collateral Repair Project, a non-profit organization that provides emergency assistance, education, and community support to urban refugees.

Get more info on what Wear Star Wars Every Day is all about, or make a donation or a per-day pledge!

Wear Star Wars Every Day: Week Five

Week Five for #WearStarWarsEveryDay finished up January with some lent and donated shirts, while February started with some baby wear. How do I fit in those baby oneises? Watch and find out! This recap covers January 29 – February 4 of my wearathon, and an update on fundraising for Collateral Repair Project, a non-profit organization that provides assistance to urban refugees.

Get more info on what Wear Star Wars Every Day is all about, or make a donation or a per-day pledge!

Pablo made a funny and now General Hux has a cat named Millicent (at least on Tumblr)

@pablohidalgo: That dust that Kylo puts his helmet into? Litter box for Hux's cat, Millicent. #canon
@pablohidalgo Millicent (pictured).

Lucasfilm’s Pablo Hidalgo jokes on Twitter about General Hux having a cat, Millicent. Tumblr runs with it.

Is it actually canon? Well, no. (Not yet.) But it’s pretty funny, and isn’t that what matters in the end? Under the cut, the adventures of Millicent the cat, as told by Tumblr.

Continue reading “Pablo made a funny and now General Hux has a cat named Millicent (at least on Tumblr)”