From the Blogside

Ratcreature considers the ‘Chosen One’ prophecy.

Over on Blogwarz, Sabrina Fried on reaction to her Revenge of the Sith Oscar column, while T’bone considers Order 66.

I’m not alone! Master Ki-Aaron-Mundi misses Star Wars Tales. In the comments, Pabawan (Pablo) makes an interesting point: the audience for the comics is small and not very receptive to experimentation. Pity.

Pirate_lass and the folks at Hug_clones discuss Triple Zero. Spoilerifically.

Gabri-Jade rants on the Jedi Council fanfic awards. Personally I’ve always found them worse than useless, since I’m rarely reading more than one or two fics there at a time. Plus with my fic apathy issues (2 weeks to read Outbound Flight! Two weeks!) reading even five nominees is not going to happen.

Ryan Kaufman and his son Max have major continuty issues.

Find a post that you thinks deserves a place in the next edition of From the Blogside? Email Dunc at

Java the Hutt?

Albuquerque’s Satellite Coffee shop stands in for “Java the Hutt ” for the film Fanboys. The article claims it’s a fictional location, but I’m pretty sure I recall hearing about a real coffee place at Skywalker Ranch with the name. Could one of you folks who’s been to the Ranch confirm or deny?

Whatever the case, you can buy a bag of “Java the Hutt” coffee from the Motley Brew Coffee Company. (They also have a “Bean Me Up, Scotty!” blend.)