Women in Star Wars, by the numbers

Glasgow University academic Dr. Rebecca Harrison analysed most of the Star Wars films by the percentage of screen time for women. The Last Jedi (43%), The Force Awakens (37%) and Rogue One (35%) top the list, with A New Hope (15%) and Revenge of the Sith (17%) having the least. The rankings only take into account characters with speaking parts, she tells the BBC.

Her initial tweet on the subject went viral, but that the analysis will be part of a book examining race and gender in the saga. There’s even more details on her blog.

Meanwhile, here’s what the box office is telling Lucasfilm, in the wake of Solo‘s less-than-stellar take: More women, please.

Ticket details for Celebration Chicago

Celebration Chicago details are up! The advance prices for a five-day pass are $215 for adult, $100 for child, and one-day adult passes are $75 each, with a $55.00 Thursday “Bounty Hunter” preview. The VIP Jedi Master pass will run $850.00.

The show is April 11-15, 2019 at Chicago’s McCormick Place. This is eighth domestic Celebration and the first time the con has been extended to five days.

The tickets will go on sale June 5 at noon. If this will be your first Celebration, fear not: The standard five-day passes likely won’t sell out right away, though the VIP tickets certainly will. (I still wouldn’t wait too long, though.)

I am hoping completely revisit our convention tips series for Chicago, so if you have any questions, feel free to comment or send them along.

Colin Trevorrow doesn’t say much about Episode IX

Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow, who was the original pick for Episode IX, isn’t going to give any details about his scuttled plans. (J.J. Abrams took over and wrote his own script with Chris Terrio.) But Trevorrow does tell Empire that he got to talk to both George Lucas and Mark Hamill about it.

“I don’t want to talk too much about it because I don’t want to affect the way that fans get to see these films,” he said. “When we were kids, these movies came to us from far away. They were a gift. And the more we talk about how they’re made, the more it reveals that they’re just movies. But they’re not just movies, they’re more than that. Beyond that, I got the opportunity to tell a story that is a celebration of everything I believe in, I got to tell it to George Lucas and I got to tell it to Luke Skywalker, and those are experiences I will cherish for the rest of my life.”

Trevorrow will next direct Jurassic World 3.

Solo novelization coming in September

The Solo novelization by Mur Lafferty is coming on September 4, Del Rey and StarWars.com announced today. There’ll also be a junior version by Joe Schreiber. A cookbook, the Millennium Falcon: Owner’s Workshop Manual and a Deluxe Smuggler’s Guide from Dan Wallace are also coming in the fall.

Lafferty has previously written two Star Wars short stories – ‘The Voice of the Empire’, a tie in to the Rogue One prequel novel Catalyst which appeared in the Insider, and ‘Not for Nothing’ for the anthology From a Certain Point of View.