Padme is in Thrawn: Alliances, and subject of a new excerpt

Padme Amidala stars in the third excerpt from Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn: Alliances. (To be fair, she was mentioned in the last one, where a young Anakin Skywalker meets pre-Imperial Thrawn.) There’s also new poster art, which will be available only in the Barnes & Noble exclusive edition of the book.

The excerpt was announced on this week’s Star Wars Show.

The standard editions of the book will be out on July 24, but fans can get a special con exclusive version a little earlier at SDCC.

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Report: Billy Dee Williams returning for IX

Lando Calrissian is coming back – again. The Hollywood Reporter, backing up a Fantha Tracks report from last month, is now saying that Billy Dee Williams will reprise the role in Episode IX.

A younger version of Lando, played by Donald Glover, appeared in May’s Solo, but Billy Dee hasn’t been on screen since Return of the Jedi, though he did do some voice work as the character on Rebels.

IX is due to begin filming at the end of the month, so if this rumor does pan out, we’ll likely hear soon.

Report: Keri Russell in talks for Episode IX

J.J. Abrams may be bringing a familiar face with him to Episode IX. Keri Russell is in talks for a role, Variety reports today. The role reportedly calls for “action-heavy fight scenes”, something she has experience with in her recent roles on FX’s The Americans, Mission: Impossible and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

Variety also says that Abrams is looking to cast two more roles before the end of the month, when filming is due to begin.

Russell starred in Abram’s first TV show, Felicity.

Celebrating what we love: Lucasfilm expands fan awards

The fan film awards are back, but now it’s no longer just for fan films. The Star Wars Fan Awards now celebrate three categories of fan creativity – Videos, Photos, and Visual Art. There are multiple categories under each – video counts both short (15 seconds and under) and long (up to 5 minutes) in multiple categories, Photo also includes pet photography and food presentation, while Visual Art covers digital, 2-D, 3-D, custom costumes, and custom figures. In short, there are a lot of ways to participate.

Submissions open up at on July 18 and close September 17. Winners will be chosen by a Lucasfilm panel, with Audience Choice voting in November.