No hosted recap show for Resistance

Resistance isn’t getting the full Rebels Recon treatment. “I am not doing a hosted show for Resistance,” Recon/The Star Wars Show host Andi Gutierrez tweeted overnight after a fan question.

Resistance does have two smaller shows – Resistance Rewind and Bucket’s List – but neither is quite as extensive as Recon was.

I have some suspicions – it’s possible The Mandalorian will get a Recon-like show and even with that not starting until at least 2019, it’s likely going to overlap with Resistance. Maybe Recon’s demographics was just old, long-obsessed folks like us, who don’t really need further encouragement. Or, most likely, the space and effort for a second hosted show is being filled by new kid Our Star Wars Stories, hosted by Jordan Hembrough.

Gutierrez continues to host The Star Wars Show with Anthony Carboni. Maybe they can introduce a Pablo-with-coffee segment?

The Mandalorian set pics, new acting rumor

Making Star Wars is back with more set pics from The Mandalorian. There’s a door, an alien and someone who seems to be an important cast member. Not sure how many more we’ll have coming, as the authorities seem to be onto them.

A new rumor says that in addition to directing episodes, Bryce Dallas Howard and Taika Waititi will also have roles in the series. Discussing Film says that Waititi may be voicing a droid.

Blurb for Freed’s Alphabet Squadron

The new Star Wars book announced Friday, Alexander Freed’s Alphabet Squadron, is now up for preorder, complete with blurb:

On the verge of victory in what seemed an endless war, five former rebel pilots transform from hunted to hunters as they strike out against the vestiges of Empire. Set after Return of the Jedi, Alphabet Squadron follows a unique team, each flying a different class of starfighter as they struggle to end their war once and for all.

It’ll be out in hardcover, eBook and audio on June 4.

NYCC: Cover for Gray’s Master & Apprentice, new Freed novel on tap

There were only a handful of Star Wars fiction reveals at NYCC this afternoon, but they’re pretty sizable ones! We get the final cover for Claudia Gray’s Master & Apprentice. The art is by Alice X. Zhang. We also have a brand-new book announcement: Alphabet Squadron, by Alexander M. Freed, will feature “Rebel pilots hunting down Imperials,” apparently set post-ROTJ. Master & Apprentice is due in April, and says that Alphabet Squadron is due in June.

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Report: What The Mandalorian directors are directing

We know who The Mandalorian directors are, but Making Star Wars has learned what episodes they’ll be actual directing. The official release only specified that Dave Filoni was doing the first, but MSW has him, Deborah Chow, and Rick Famuyiwa each directing two episodes, with Bryce Dallas Howard on the fourth and Taika Waititi taking on the (season?) finale. The eight-episode number comes from MSW’s earlier reporting; an earlier report has it at 10, but shortening the load is one way to get the most out of a rumored $100M budget.

MSW has been killing it on this show – in addition to all their recent scoops, they were the first to report that Mandalorians were involved back in August. We don’t have much reason to doubt them when it comes to the show.

First image for The Mandalorian, directors announced

We get our first official look at Jon Favreau’s The Mandalorian, plus a director list. The first episode will be directed by Dave Filoni, and other directors will include Deborah Chow (Jessica Jones), Rick Famuyiwa (Dope), Bryce Dallas Howard (Solemates), and Taika Waititi (Thor: Ragnarok).

The series is being written and executive produced by Favreau. Filoni, Kathleen Kennedy, Colin Wilson and Karen Gilchrist are also producing.

Still nothing official on the cast (who’s in the armor, Lucasfilm?), but Making Star Wars has some evidence (though probably not for the armor-wearer, though who knows) as they continue their set reporting.

Yup, the live action-show is about Mandos

Well, a Mando. Star Wars’ first live-action tv show is officially The Mandalorian, Jon Favreau reveals on his Instagram.

The show is expected to debut on Disney’s streaming service, which is due to launch in 2019. It’s supposedly filming now. (A lot of filming. Quite a lot of filming.) Also rumored, at least one cast member, who seems like a likely candidate for the lead. If it’s open season on news, though, we may get a confirmation sooner rather than later.