The fandom minute: Comparing Lucas, sucking on Legos

Quotables. Alice in Wonderland producer Richard D. Zanuck calls George Lucas “the Thomas Edison of our time.”

Weequay Thranta Fambaa. A girl on German game show can ID Lego action figures with her mouth. That’s a skill that’ll take her far. (via)

Under the stars. Take a peek at this Star Wars nursery.

Well, it is kind of true. Yoda is one of Cracked’s 6 famous movie wisemen who were totally full of shit.

Head-to-Head with the internet’s Pablo Hidalgo

Pablo Hidalgo is interviewed by The Sci-Fi Block about his upcoming book Star Wars:  Head-to-Head.

The ultimate fanboy conversation in a book, Head-to-Head intends to examine who would win various mash-ups by using various RPG and card game stats, as well as video games. 

Unfortunately, he was unable to match up Threepio against another to see who could talk the other to death.  No one can beat him there! (via)