The fandom minute: TPM documentry, PT defense, AT-STs in the park, plus cake

gffa-docContinuing adventures in TPM nostalgia. Everyone’s talking about the documentary A Galaxy Far Far Away, which has a 10th anniversary edition out. (Hey, it was news to me!) The reviews are not all so good, though.

And on that note… Somewhere on the internet, someone is always defending the prequels.

Pro art: Colleen Doran shares the original sketch for her Anakin/Padme card from the Galaxy 4 set.

Gathering: A Geekdad spotted a Star Wars event in in London, Ontario a few weeks back.

There must be cake. Perhaps the most amazing AT-AT cake you’ve ever seen.

Fun fact: Darth Vader’s reveal to Luke is the most misquoted phrase in film.

What? I can’t believe GalacticBinder found even one, let alone ten Star Wars surfing crossovers.

EUbits: Weaver, Chee, Wallace and TCW

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  • Toys: Rebelscum has pictures of Hasbro’s evolution of the Sith set, including shirtless Maul, Darth Nihilus, and the please-someone-get-him-a-tissue Darth Bane, right.
  • The blogside: Artist Dustin Weaver writes a bit about his cover for Dark Times #16.
  • Interviews: French site Star Wars Universe interviews Lucasfilm continuity guru Leland Chee, while NJOE has Essential Atlas author Dan Wallace.
  • The Clone Wars: There’s going to be another video game, Republic Heroes. I’m shocked! Well, not that shocked.