Today in The Clone Wars (so far)

The movie was screened for the media yesterday, so I’ll be on the lookout for increased coverage. So far there’s not too much out there (embargos?) but CNBC’s Jim Goldman has some (nonspoilery) praise. And has an interview with George Lucas and Dave Filoni.

To hold us over, io9 has ten reasons why the Clone Wars TV series is going to rule, including “seriously kickass female ninjas.” Not really sure about Ashoka myself, but I am looking forward to see more Asajj Ventress. Head over to Moviehole for an interview with TCW’s Anakin, Matt Lanter, and U.S. military folks are advised to check with their base theaters for early screenings!

So what about the live-action show?

With all The Clone Wars hype lately, it’s easy to forget that it’s only the tip of the Star Wars TV iceberg – but Australia’s The Herald Sun talks to George about the upcoming live-action series. It’ll probably be filmed in Sydney (not much of a surprise) and they’re in the process of writing scripts now. Most intereting, a tidbit of new insight:

“… It is about the lower levels of life, the lower depths.

“They hear about the fact it is no longer a republic and now it’s an empire, but they are from a world where none of that really means too much to them.”

Also: Simon Pegg wants in?

Today in The Clone Wars: Sad panda edition

Nab the widget for your own site. If only it was scalable…

Lucasfilm pushes the ‘girl power’ angle with Ashoka, though I’m not sure that headline is the inference they’re looking for. Speaking of our latest leading lady, there was a TCW segment with Ashley Eckstein on Entertainment Tonight the other day, but I’m not finding it on their site. Why you gotta be like that, ET? It’s 2008, and you are syndicated: Embrace the web already!

Less frustrating: TFN has some sample pages from the new Visual Guide, while MTV previews the movie/tv series’ upcoming game tie-ins.