Video Monday

All Your Snakes Are Belong To Us, a mashup of Snakes on a Plane and All Your Base. Brilliant!

Ask a Ninja review Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. If you don’t laugh at this I fear for your soul. (Thanks, Rogue!)

This is incredibly bizarre – a hip-hop dance routine with a Star Wars theme. So, of course, there’s Prince.

Star Wars: A Clone Apart is trying for a Star Wars version of Red vs. Blue. Does it suceed? You tell me.

Han Solo switches to Apple
Scout trooper on a jetski
X-Men 3: Standing Ovation

From the Blogside

Jedi Wampa’s treatise on the die hard fan. His State of the Fandom speech is a must-read for all blog regulars.

Sunnyskywalker is rereading Courtship of Princess Leia and taking notes. We salute your bravery, ma’am! Meanwhile, Gabri Jade analyzes Bantam whipping-book Children of the Jedi.

Snarky taglines for popular movies from The Jay.

Kenobi-fan rises to the challenge with entries on moonlighting mercenaries and dust cavities.

In the land of VIPs, Don Bies addresses the sale of ILM’s model unit and other fun and games, Aaron Allston is inducted into a gaming Hall of Fame, Pablo Hidalgo reviews Dead Man’s Chest, and Ryan Kaufman wonders if Luke would listen to Nirvana.