Video Monday

All the featured videos this week are… songvids! And not a one of them is Evanescence.

Weird Al’s ‘Jerry Springer’ proves to be a pretty good match for the saga. Who knew?

Palpatine does it his way. I really want to see this done with the punk version, too.

‘La Vie Boheme’ from Rent done up Harry Potter style. A bit slow to start, but it made me laugh out loud a couple times. (Thanks to Ruby for the find!)

Cute French candy commercial.
Jonathan Rinzler talks about Art of ROTS.
Vader is an smartass.
Classic Clip: Trooper Clerks.

From the Blogside

Cherie Priest is a wicked goblin apologist.

Pablo Hidalgo and The Mysterious Animated Shadows of Return of the Jedi. He’s like Indiana Jones, in a way.

Darth Dan X explores the riddle of the Jedi prophecy.

RJ Peters on Obi-Wan and family.

DJ Maul profanes A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back with pop songs

Newsarama’s Grumpy Old Fan discovers Harry Potter ‘shippers.

Peter David considers public perception of sports fans vs. sci-fi and comic geeks.