Video Monday: Cute Attack

Combining this week’s quota of Weird Al and Lego content in one amazing package: The Saga Begins – in Lego.

Why you shouldn’t leave laser weapons laying around the house. (Warning: baby.)

There endth this week’s Star Wars content.

Kenya is a flash animation that everyone on the internet should have seen by now. (But hey, if folks keep linking ‘Store Wars,’ there’s gotta be a couple folks out there who haven’t seen this yet, either.) It’s by the same folks who did that internet classic, Badger Badger Badger. And yes, they both repeat.

Pug bowling! A touching tale of revenge so adorable it ought to be illegal.

And to take us on home, a kitten on a keyboard.

My Little Ponies go geek

I wasn’t into Star Wars as a kid – I was all about My Little Pony and Barbie and all that critical mass girlie stuff. So a year or so ago, when I found a picture of Lord Pony, I was amazed and extremely covetous. (Alas, it is not to be.) Today, I found an amazing Alien pony, complete with step-by-step pictorial. Such an oddly compelling combination…

Other custom ponies of interest: Yoda, Spock, gargoyle, Borg, punk, and Masque of the Red Death (one of a series!)

Forget Transformers, LFL – here’s a crossover toy I would buy!