Farscape Revived

There are many in Club Jade who mourned the passing of Farscape. Now they can take the pins out of the SciFi voo-doo dolls as the network is commissioning new episodes to air on the web.

And the natives rejoiced.

2 Replies to “Farscape Revived”

  1. Hmm. All things being equal, I would be delighted, but between Ben and Claudia being busy with SG-1 and the announcement’s wording that it will “expand the Farscape universe”, I get the distinct feeling that, like the BSG webisodes, these will include few, if any, of the original cast. :( I guess we’ll wait and see…

  2. Well, the SG1 films are done shooting for this year. So it’s not out of the realm of possibilities that they could do it, if they were so inclined.

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