Classify your favorite Star Wars moments with new site

Some fans love to rank things, and argue things, and just get all obsessive over who/what/where/how is better/worse that another who/what/where/how. I am not one of those people: I have my own favorites, of course, but I just tend to find the whole enterprise of categorizing them further than that exhausting. And thus Lucasfilm’s new site Star Wars Moments is just making my eyes cross. But if that is your thing, hey: Go for it. It’s certainly more productive than trolling Wookieepedia talk pages.

2 Replies to “Classify your favorite Star Wars moments with new site”

  1. The duel part of the site could actually be interesting if they had decided to set OT against Blu-ray version. The way it is, I have better ways to waste my time. ;-)

  2. I think us Old Fart Luke Skywalker fans need to be moving on the sunset scene. It should be higher! :)

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