McAvoy to get hairy feet?

Rumour has it that Guillermo Del Toro and Peter Jackson have agreed on their choice for the actor to play Bilbo Baggins in the upcoming Hobbit movies. But whether that actor is James McAvoy remains a source of speculation.

Meanwhile, no decision yet on whether Christopher Tolkien has been successful in his attempt to stop the production.

Finally, a few LOTR, SW and other sci-fi actors (including Ian McKellen, Sean Astin, Natalie Portman, Leonard Nimoy, and Kristen Bell) are up for PETA UK’s Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity award.

Transformers 2 blowing stuff up in a neighbourhood near you

Or near Yav anyway. Footage for Michael Bay’s sequel to the wildly popular Transformers movie will be shot early next week on the deserted grounds of Bethlehem Steel.

Notices were sent to neighbors and nearby business owners Tuesday warning them about the upcoming noise, glare and road closures that will come along with the filming of one of the movie’s opening scenes, which will feature the computer-generated robots alongside Steel’s instantly-recognizable blast furnaces.

”It is essentially going to be a simulated war,” [Bethlehem mayor] Callahan said.

Practice explosions went off all throughout Yav’s yoga class this morning, shaking the building and making downward-facing dog slightly more challenging than usual.

The folks over at are discussing the whole thing at length and apparently have covert pictures.

In the news: Harvey Korman, blu-ray, Star Tours

Harvey Korman as Chef Gormaanda in the Holiday Special

The fandom minute