This is Peter Jackson’s fault

Dragonlance, an animated movie? Why god, why?

4 Replies to “This is Peter Jackson’s fault”

  1. To quote Simon, “This must be what going mad feels like.”

    I liked the Dragonlance novels when I was in high school, but I never thought it should be made into anything else. It was a creation of TSR to sell the RPG modules, for goodness sakes. There are times when a novel should just stay a novel, and IMO this is one of them.

  2. oh ew. ew ew ew! I have to go take a shower now– just SEEING that made me feel all dirty inside.

    Bleah. Because the books weren’t bad enough? If they have any angsty Buffy’s-boyfriend-wannabe darkelves, I’m going to cry. I think part of me just died inside.

  3. Am I the only one who loved this series of novels? By this series, I mean the original Chronicles and Legends trilogies, not any of the crap that came out after. From my point of view, I have always been afraid of them making a movie, but mainly because I’ve been afraid they would butcher the books. I am actually relieved to see they are choosing to make it an animated film. It just seems like they might have more of a chance of getting it right.

    On the other hand, Lucy Lawless? Now THAT concerns me. Plus I’m wondering who else is in the movie.

    The sad thing is, I know that even if the movie were to be the most horrible thing ever made, I’ll end up seeing it. It’s just something I have to do.

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