Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination is headed to the California Science Center in Los Angeles, and they’re asking for volunteers. From Someone’s going to find their inbox full this morning…
The Boston Globe’s exhibit coverage
Want to keep an eye an articles about the Star Wars exhbit in Boston? has a page dedicated to the exhibit, including the Lucas interview (in audio!) and a photo gallery.
Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination
Opening on the 27th at the Boston Museum of Science is Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination. There are several articles covering the exhibit and the formal opening attended by George Lucas and featuring a performance by our pals from MIT’s Trilogy Musical Edition.
Boston Globe: An interview with George Lucas and Intergalactic fund-raiser brings stars out in Hub
Boston Herald: There’s no escaping the Force: `Star Wars’ takes over Boston
CNN: ‘Star Wars’ exhibit explores a galaxy not so far away
Reuters: “Star Wars” becomes tech teaching tool
And finally, if you can’t make it to Boston, there’s a book.