- T-shirts: Cover your shame with Thinkgeek’s Echo Base, Do or Do Not, and DO NOT WANT. Yes you can haz (for $14.99 – $18.99 plus shipping.)
- Lists: So if you check over on the sidebar (and scroll a lot) you’ll note there’s a tag cloud. And in that tag cloud, lists is the biggest one. Why? Because the internet loves lists. (And also, I’m not anywhere near done tagging all the old entries, changing categories to tags, and all that fun stuff.) So here are a few more: Top ten Star Wars games, ten villains who deserved better, eight timeless classics critics are afraid of, five greatest space operas. And thus the ‘net gods are satisfied.
On the care and feeding of effective villains
Inspired by the success of The Dark Knight’s Joker, io9 has some thoughts on keeping your villains villainy – what makes them great, how they go wrong, and how not to ruin their effectiveness. Darth Vader is used as an example in the last – and I can’t say I disagree. Continue reading “On the care and feeding of effective villains”
Countdown: IGN’s top 15 Star Wars villains
EW’s villain parade concludes; Vote!
Entertainment Weekly continues their lineup with part two of the 50 most vile movie villains and the genre baddies really pile up this time: Doc Ock, HAL, Ming the Merciless, Gollum, T-1000 and the Wicked Witch of the West join Vader and Khan.
Check them all out and then go vote!
Darth Vader among EW’s choice baddies
Naturally Darth Vader is the poster boy for Entertainment Weekly’s 50 most vile movie villains. The lineup continues with part 2 tomorrow, and then there will be a vote.
Other genre baddies making the cut (so far) are Khan Noonien Singh and Captain Vidal of Pan’s Labyrinth.
Why must I be surrounded by frickin’ idiots?
Valleywag’s Tech Villain Dream Team includes Gaius Baltar, Lex Luthor and Dr. Doom. I wonder… Has Hollywood ever done a bumbling villian team-up movie before? Just imagine the completely predictable hilarity!
Money for nothing
2006’s Forbes Fictional 15. Fannish members include Bruce Wayne, Willy Wonka (Candy and aerospace – Hah!) and Lucius Malfoy. Don’t miss the biographies!