- Fandom: Connecticut fans Ryan Kitchel and Deb Fix have a Star Wars wedding.
- Video: A mashup of Star Wars and Coming to America. it’s funny… for about a minute.
- Toys: Mousedroid gets Hasbro to confirm that there is a Vong figure in development.
- Fansites: International fansites form S.W.O.R.A.; Rebelscum annexes Japan.
- A Good Question: Art of Star Wars calender lacks artist credits?
Video du jour: Trek teaser, now legal
Yahoo has the Star Trek teaser trailer all clear and free.
Video du jour: Fuzzy Trek
IESB has the Star Trek trailer, as seen by cameraphone.
In the news: Wednesday morning reading list
- A look into the abyss: Star Wars fan Christina Tolisano made an appearance on the premiere of American Idol, impressing no one. (She blogged her audition experience back in September.) Apparently there was a second SW geek, but it seems neither had a chance at being more than just random freak.
UPDATE: TOSblog has video and, oh god oh god, the second contestant is Man-Leia. RUN! - Tribute: Jack Black fearfully admits to writing ‘Death Star’ song for new Tenacious D album.
- Fandom (The light side:) Rebel Legion member Chris Pearson talks about his charity work with Teesside Evening Gazette.
- Fandom (The dark side:) “Highly dangerous” inmate changes name to Obi-Wan Kenobi. A credit to us all.
- Events: George Lucas to be honored by Jackie Robinson Foundation.
Video du jour: Join the Force
Round out your DVD collection, or just watch funny stuff on the internet!
Fox wasted no time releasing Family Guy: Blue Harvest – it comes out on Tuesday, in two editions – but we’re just now getting word that the Robot Chicken: Star Wars is coming to DVD. In May. Sigh.
Not that it really matters, since you can pretty much watch both specials in their entirety from certain places on the internet. Witness:
Beneath the cut, my choice for funniest Blue Harvest moment.
Continue reading “Round out your DVD collection, or just watch funny stuff on the internet!”
Video du jour: BSG preview
HypaSpace Weekly gives fans a sneak peak at the upcoming season of Battlestar Galactica.
The hostess has clearly taken too many Leeza Gibbons pills, but they get down to business soon enough.
Video du jour: Star what?
Warwick Davis asks an unsuspecting British populace what they know about Star Wars:
The fandom minute
- Oh, YTMD. One day you’ll get be a real boy.
- Interview with Jonathan L. Bowen, who wrote Anticipation: The Real Life Story of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace and Revenge: The Real Life Story of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, two self-published books for the prickly prequel fans.
- Another Star Wars guide to the presidential candidates. This is officially getting kinda tired, but I still laugh, though only a little.
- Video: There’s no Skywalker duds in sight, but there are Star Wars action figures (among other familiar faces) in Bill Gates’ Last Day at Microsoft.
Transparisteel! For real!
Okay, so it’s transparent concrete, not transparent steel. Still, progress.
Something else I learned today while searching Wookieepedia: Vader’s armor is made of Durasteel. (Perhaps that’s why the Energizer bunny was taunting him: corporate rivalry.)